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In Memory of Leopoldo Taravilse

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Leo (also known as ltaravilse), he was that funny, kind and super helpful guy. I'm sure many of us interacted with him some how, and I was lucky to meet him in person more than once. Everyone from the old TopCoder days should remember him. He helped countless number of people.

Sadly, and I still can't believe it, he passed away few days ago. This is a really sad event for the whole competitive programming community. People from South America can tell more about how kind and helpful he was.

Codeforces  will be hosting a contest in his name, and we would like to raise some money to be prizes for the winners in this round. Initially we wanted to give the winners the option to give their prizes to Leo's family, but per the request of his family, they want everything to go to the winners, as this is what he would have loved to do.

For all his friends and anyone who was helped by Leo, please help us to reach that target and more, and thanks in advance to everyone.

Rest in peace my dear Leo.


  • Ali Abbasinasab
    • $46
    • 5 yrs
  • Ahmed Aly
    • $234 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs


Ahmed Aly
San Jose, CA

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