Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

In Memory of Nick Sonier

Spende geschützt
This fundraising campaign is dedicated to Nick Sonier. 

Nick was loved by his faith community, friends, family and work colleagues. He cared deeply for his family and two small children. Passionate about the back country, Nick loved being in nature whether by checking his deer cameras, enjoying the stillness of a hunt, or out fishing with friends. 

Nick went missing on August 13, 2019 and was found deceased on September 28, 2019. No foul play is suspected. Words fail to describe the emotions and grief felt by Nick's loved ones at his decision to end his life.

This fundraising is to support all associated costs of a funeral (funeral home, casket, flowers, burial plot, reception, food, and travel assistance for family from out east).

This was an unplanned circumstance and any assistance would be appreciated. 

Funds will be administered by friends of the family, Michael & Katrina LaRoy, and any additional funds will be directed to Nick's family.


  • Anonym
    • $20
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Katrina LaRoy
Abbotsford, BC
Ancient Burials - Funerals, Memorials Preplanning

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