In Memory of Samuela Tupola
In the early morning of March 13, 2021, Samuela Maluamaka Tupola, his cousins, Breana Moeai, Tori Lelu Maile, and friends Akanese Saleutogi and Gerardo Vargas were driving home from Las Vegas. As they were passing the Speedway going northbound, an impaired driver was driving the wrong way on the freeway, heading straight into their car. They were hit head on, and shortly after a semi behind them couldn’t stop & hit their car as well.
This tragedy unfortunately and prematurely took Samuela’s young life. He completed his life on this earth the next day, March 14th surrounded by family and love.
He was just 23 years old, living his life to the fullest, being an advocate for justice for racial inequality as well as thriving at Dixie State University. To say he will be missed is a tremendous understatement.
He did not have life or medical insurance, leaving his family behind with funeral expenses and excessive medical bills.
100% of the proceeds will be given to his mom& best friend, Temutisa Maile to help with the previously mentioned costs.
You can also donate by sending Tisa money viaVenmo. Her username is @Tisa-Maile