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In Memory of Victor Castaneda: Help His Family Heal

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On Saturday, November 9, 2024, we tragically lost Victor Castaneda. He died a hero, using all his strength to save his sister from drowning. Even before this, Victor was a hero in every sense. He sacrificed his dreams to join the army, all to provide a home for his family. Serving others was always his true calling.

Please help by donating and sharing this GoFundMe. Your support will help Victor’s family heal, knowing how much he was loved and cared for. It will also help for funeral and burial services. Even in his absence, Victor continues to protect and serve his family. Any contribution helps, and all funds will go directly to Victor’s family during this difficult time.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Anonymous l
Miami, FL
Victor Castaneda SR

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