In Memory or In Honor Of...
Tax deductible
Honor and showcase someone special by making a donation to the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firefighter's Fund as part of an in memory or in honor of awareness campaign. It is a beautiful and touching tribute to a fallen firefighter or a firefighter family in need.
To help even more, simply click “share" to start inviting colleagues, friends and family to read about our mission and donate to the cause.
All donations benefit the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firefighter’s Fund and come directly to our charity, a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax I.D. #95-6205446. With your kindness, our firefighter families will be able to afford basic living expenses, health insurance and even college tuition. Thank you for being a hero to a hero and giving back to those who sacrifice so much, yet ask for so little in return.