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In memory of Arlette Zazueta

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Heaven has gained an angel that brought so much love and happiness to everyone around her. 

Arlette was one of the most beautiful souls, inside and out, welcoming everyone with that beautiful smile and loving personality. She always radiated positivity and strength even during the hardest of times. Her courage and love for life has left an imprint in everyones lives she touched. She leaves a legacy of hard work, ambition and courage, while being the most caring, humble and sweetest person all at once. Those beautiful brown eyes will forever look over us and guide us in every step of the way. 

Arlette was a very athletic woman, she grew up playing little league baseball with the boys and played on the Calexico All Star team. She was always a competitive athlete and an amazing friend on and off the field. Arlette graduated in 2012 from Calexico High School. She was the senior class vice president while being a cheerleader, playing softball, volleyball and being a part of the ASB. Arlette was an extremely intelligent student who always managed to stay happy and warm hearted to support everyone around her. After high school, she went to UCLA where she became part of Lambda Theta Nu Sorority Inc.  She graduated from UCLA in 2016 with amazingly special and lifelong friendships. Many who became sisters to her and are now all part of her family. Always full of laughs and spontaneity, she followed her heart to pursue her passion towards fashion design. Graduating from FIDM in 2017, she endeavoured to make an impact and accomplish her dreams in the fashion industry. Before being diagnosed in July of 2017, Arlette found herself enjoying life and working daily on what she loved. Even during this time, she never failed to keep a smile on her face and remind others that life is precious. 

As friends of Arlette and her family, we have created this page to help cover some of the upcoming expenses and to support them through these difficult times. Anything is greatly appreciated. We also ask to share this page in any social media platform. Thank you for all your support. 

Rest in Peace, Arlette Nayeli Zazueta.

El cielo ha recibido a un ángel que en la tierra llenó de amor a todos los que la rodearón y compartierón momentos con ella. Es por ese motivo y como forma de nuestro amor, que creamos esta página en honor a Arlette y su familia.

Ella fué un ejemplo de hija, amiga, hermana y persona. Siempre irradiaba felicidad y optimismo a todos los que conoció. Fué una guerrera que nos enseñó a celebrar la vida aún durante las circunstancias mas difíciles.  Como amigos de Arlette y de su familia, hemos creado esta página para ayudar a cubrir algunos de los gastos que se presentaron y para apoyarlos durante estos momentos. Les pedimos que compartan esta página en cualquier red social. Gracias por todo el apoyo. 

Descansa en paz, Arlette Nayeli Zazueta.

- With all our love, Team Arlette


  • Antonio Rosales Villagrana
    • $50
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Alejandra Avitia
Calexico, CA
Alba Zazueta

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt