Indigenous Cultural Retreat Center by Asinaabe
Donation protected
AROOO! Calling the Wolf Pack!
Boozhoo, Hello.. I'm Asinaabe,
You may know me from my work on TikTok.. I have a plan that could help bring Culture and Healing to more people in a real way. I have a vision of a Cultural Retreat Center that would operate as such:
1. Providing a space for Teaching, Healing, and Learning.
2. Providing resources for reconnecting and learning Cultural Practices
3. Providing a Full-Time Ceremony ground for local use by local Ceremony People
The Retreat Center would be used to host retreats and act as the business aspect to pay for the property that would allow for a ceremony ground on the property. The Ceremony Ground would operate separately from the Retreat Center and be used for Traditional Ceremonies like Sweat Lodges for the local Native People who have a need for consistent space. Many Teachings and stories are open for anyone to learn. Yet, some ceremonies cannot be bought into and must be earned. I know the difference. I've given Teachings at ceremonies and I've given presentations and workshops to Human Services professionals all over Minnesota professionally. I can walk in both worlds.
Ideally, we would host seasonal cultural workshops that local schools could attend for educational field trips. For example, during Maple syrup time we would host a traditional Sugar-bush where we would make and teach how to do Maple Syrup while also allowing participation. We could do the same for wild rice and have a wild rice parching camp. These camps would be run by local Natives that do this as a lifestyle but don't have a good place to teach.
The minimum needed would be a large house on acreage. The desired and optimal space would be a resort on a lake. These properties would range in price from 400k to 3-4 million. The 100k would be for the minimum down payment to get into a property in the 4-500k range which is what 3-4br houses on acreage go for in my area. If the goal were to reach 4-500k then I would be able to go for the resort on a lake. There are a few resorts for sale that have 7-10 cabins with a lodge that would make a perfect Retreat Center and have plenty of space for the Ceremony grounds. With this, I could also host retreats geared around many cultures and offer a space for Teachers to host their respective gatherings.
This would be land that is on or close to a Reservation in Northern Minnesota not owned by Natives. This initiative would also fall into the category of Land-Back as it would be about private ownership while using the land for cultural and traditional practices.
I'm an Ojibwe Native and have years of Ceremony experience as well as having professionally worked with a Behavioral Health department on a reservation. My experience and qualifications are long but if you want to know more watch my "about me" Playlist on my TikTok @asinaabe
I'm not worried that this won't work... I'm kinda worried that it will.. I think I'm ready.. Do you want to help me shift dimensions? I'll create content all along the way and work with educators to create more avenues to learn. This would also act as a blueprint other Natives can use. I can't do it alone. A lone wolf can hardly catch a rabbit by themselves but when they howl and call the pack they can work together to take down a moose and feed the whole pack! Are you ready? SKODEN!
Everett LaFromboise
Carlton, MN