"The Grandmothers are the roots of all nations.” - Grandmother Bernadette Rebienot
Donate to help cover the remaining travel expenses we incurred bringing the Grandmothers to New York for the book launch and gathering in September 2019.
We are in the home- stretch of our campaign and are excited to raise the remaining $4,000 by Monday, October 14th.
We are so grateful for your continued support and for helping us by donating and sharing our INDIGENOUS GRANDMOTHERS UNIFY IN NY campaign. The Book Launch and Lift the Earth events in NY were a great success, we are excited to share more in the coming weeks.
The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers is proud to have released the 1st edition of Grandmothers Wisdom: Reverence for all Creation in New York City on September 18th, 2019. This special edition 488 page hardcover copy is a groundbreaking portrayal of traditional spiritual women in history, and will be an inspiration for all. These stories are ageless wisdom of earth-based cultures that can benefit all people in today’s climate of disconnection.
We invite you to join us, by supporting and sharing this campaign as an opportunity to be a part of this spiritual activism movement during a time when Mother Earth is screaming for immediate action. This is a real call to transform the way we unite as a force to support that which is sacred.
In addition to your donation we are now presenting you with the opportunity to Pre-Order our book at grandmotherswisdom.org
With your support over the past fifteen years the Grandmothers have been able to carry on their international mission of peace and prayer accompanied by their translators and family members. Because the Grandmother’s are advancing in age they require more care and comfort in travels and accommodations. Now requiring a higher level of care, medical assistance and international insurance coverage, additional funding has been needed.
Together, we have raised over $100,000 over the last 3 years to create this book which carries a crucial message for the times we are living in and the ancestral wisdom of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. Thanks to your support, our new book has been produced, printed and published, we are now on the last leg to take this to the finish line!
In expression of gratitude, donations will receive:
- $50 and over will receive a video recording of Grandmother Earth Day – A Prayer of Gratitude for Creation from 2018, including Grandmothers Aama, Mona, Flordemayo, Clara, Rita Pitka and Marie Meade.
- $100 and over will receive all of the benefits above, plus an acknowledgment in the Grandmothers website and a pdf report of the Lift the Earth gathering.
- $500 and over will receive all of the benefits above, plus an edited video recording of the Lift the Earth gathering.
- $1,000 and over will receive all of the benefits above, plus a Grandmothers Wisdom: Reverence for All Creation book copy and a limited edition signed print of the book cover painting.
- $3,000 and over will receive a one of a kind handmade Lakota Star Quilt gifted by Grandmother Beatrice's family.
Please help us achieve our goal by Monday, October 14th!
The INDIGENOUS GRANDMOTHERS UNIFY IN NY crowdfunding campaign is sponsored by UNIFY THE WORLD (UNIFY). UNIFY is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt organization founded in 2014. UNIFY orchestrates Globally Synchronized Events that inspire community-driven action campaigns for world peace.
“Dearest Grandmothers, each one of you are so unique in your journey, like a garden of beautiful flowers, united your impact creates a powerful healing educational influence on our dear Mother Earth. No wonder you are 13. Thank you, bless you with love and appreciation for all your prayers, knowledge wisdom and service.”
- Louise R, OR, USA
"Que la Terre vibre au rythme du cœur de toute Femme animée par la Santé, la Nature et la Famille! "
(May the Earth vibrates to the rhythm of the heart of any woman driven by Health, Nature and Family!)
-Stéphanie N, Fréjus, FR
“Honor, respect and courage for the path they have chosen. It is through women the future is created as they teach their young. Balance and harmony with respect for self and others. Blessings!”
-Judi S, AZ, USA
“Thank you Grandmothers, for your wisdom, your commitment to a sustainable world, and your prayers for peace.”
-Debby O, NY, USA
October 13, 2004
Phoenicia, NY, USA
We are thirteen indigenous grandmothers who came together for the first time from October 11 through October 17, 2004, in Phoenicia, New York. We gathered from the four directions in the land of the people of the Iroquois Confederacy.
We come here from the Amazon rainforest, the Alaskan Tundra of North America, the great forest of the American northwest, the vast plains of North America, the highlands of Central America, the Black Hills of South Dakota, the mountains of Oaxaca, the desert of the American southwest, the mountains of Tibet and Nepal and from the rainforest of Central Africa.
Affirming our relations with traditional medicine peoples and communities throughout the world, we have been brought together by a common vision to form a new global alliance.
We are the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. We have united as one. Ours is an alliance of prayer, education and healing for our Mother Earth, all Her inhabitants, all the children and for the next seven generations to come.
We are deeply concerned with the unprecedented destruction of our Mother Earth, the contamination of our air, waters and soil, the atrocities of war, the global scourge of poverty, the threat of nuclear weapons and waste, the prevailing culture of materialism, the epidemics which threaten the health of the Earth’s peoples, the exploitation of indigenous medicines, and with the destruction of indigenous ways of life.
We, the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, believe that our ancestral ways of prayer, peacemaking and healing are vitally needed today. We come together to nurture, educate and train our children. We come together to uphold the practice of our ceremonies and affirm the right to use our plant medicines free of legal restriction. We come together to protect the lands where our peoples live and upon which our cultures depend, to safeguard the collective heritage of traditional medicines, and to defend the earth Herself. We believe that the teachings of our ancestors will light our way through an uncertain future.
We join with all those who honor the Creator, and to all who work and pray for our children, for world peace, and for the healing of our Mother Earth.
For all our relations.
Aama Bombo – Tamang
Agnes Pilgrim – Takelma/Siletz
Beatrice Long Visitor Holy Dance - Oglala Lakota
Bernadette Rebienot - Omyene
Clara Shinobu Iura - Brazilian/Japanese
Julieta Casimiro - Mazatec
Margaret Behan – Cheyenne/Arapaho
Flordemayo - Mayan
Maria Alice Campos Freire - Brazilian
Mona Polacca – Hopi/ Havasupai/Tewa
Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance – Oglala Lakota
Rita Pitka Blumenstein – Yup’ik
Tsering Dolma Gyaltong – TibetanABOUT UNIFY
At UNIFY, we conduct Global Synchronized Meditations and Collective Social Impact Campaigns to contribute to the growing field of peace on earth. We unite communities to elevate consciousness on Peace Day, Yoga Day, Water Day, Earth Day, and more.