Tax deductible
The Walla Walla Valley badly needs an indoor pistol and rimfire rifle range. Over 60,000 residents have no public place to practice with their pistols and .22 rifles. Farm fields, road cuts, or dumps are no place to shoot safely. For many years, Walla Walla Gun Club has wanted to add a safe and sane indoor shooting venue that will house not only state of the art indoor ranges, but also retail space for purchase and rental of firearms and ammunition by a licensed FFL dealer.
Won't you join the team? A contribution of any amount will make a huge difference. This is a community sponsored fund raiser that will build a community available shooting range. Your help is vital and much appreciated. Any amount will make a difference.
Thank You!
Won't you join the team? A contribution of any amount will make a huge difference. This is a community sponsored fund raiser that will build a community available shooting range. Your help is vital and much appreciated. Any amount will make a difference.
Thank You!
Bob Bloch
Walla Walla, WA
Walla Walla Gun Club Community Services Project Inc (Walla Walla Gun Club)