Interstellar IMAX Experience at AMC Metreon SF
Donation protected
GoFundMe donations will NOT get you a ticket AFTER 7/4/23 . This campaign has now been modified to accept donations to cover the difference so I'm not paying $3,000 out of pocket. If you're feeling generous, anything helps so please consider donating! If you made a donation prior to 11:30am on July 4th, your admission is already covered. To purchase additional or new tickets, please search "Interstellar IMAX" on Eventbrite. Eventbrite sales end 7/12/23 at 9 am.
Don't miss Christopher Nolan's "Interstellar" in Dual Laser 1.43:1 IMAX at AMC Metreon San Francisco! AMC has offered this screening for $8,000. We hope you can join us! As we've reached more than 50% of our goal, I've gone ahead and paid the remaining amount due to AMC of $3,000 in order to guarantee the screening. Tickets have moved to eventbrite. THIS FILM HAS NOW BEEN CONFIRMED AND BOOKED!
A true cult classic, this GoFundMe was inspired by the Reddit group "r/Interstellar", a dedicated group of fans who live sci-fi and Christopher Nolan films. Myself and many other fans would love to have a chance to see this film again, as originally intended in the big screen. With the help of AMC and a ton of work, bringing this film back to fans again is becoming a reality. I've established a private screening agreement with AMC Corporate to bring this film back to San Francisco in one of the largest IMAX screens (80'x100') in the world on Wednesday, July 12th at 11 am.
AMC isn’t offering seat assignments however, we're only occupying half of the theater's capacity so there will be plenty of selection!
The fine print:
All proceeds will go directly to AMC for this screening. This is strictly a non-profit, volunteer-organized event with no affiliation to IMAX, AMC, Christopher Nolan or their respective trademarks. Date has been agreed with AMC Corporate and price agreed, however these terms are subject to change. “no raffles, sweepstakes, giveaways, or promotions are offered in exchange for any donations made to this GoFundMe”.
Armando Epifani
San Francisco, CA