Interviewing Richard Carrier in Person!
I (MythVision/Derek Lambert) have made a bit of history by recording Dr. Robert M. Price with my professional camera gear in person. Many of the wonderful fans of the MythVision Podcast have had their questions asked and answered while recording in great quality. If their video hasn’t been released it is on the MythVision Patreon ready for release.
My goal is to fly to Dr. Richard Carrier in California and record him for two full days. I hope to get 50-75 videos made with him answering as many questions as possible from those who would help make this possible. If you’re interested in having your name mentioned just let me know.
The funds are to afford paying Dr. Carrier for his time, getting my flight, hotel for two nights and driving services. I would need the funds before the end of June. I would like to plan my flight in September.
If you love the topics discussed by Dr. Richard Carrier, like, Anti-Apologetics – Mythicism – Ancient Science – Early Christianity – Historical Methods – Naturalism – Roman History – Early Church Fathers – ETC., then please help contribute to make this trip possible.