Librarian Book Recommendation App
The next book you read could change your life…it just has to find you first.
With the physical spaces devoted to the browsing and inquiry of books becoming rarer and rarer, it’s hard to know where to go and who to ask to find the next great book to read. Quality book reviews and book recommendations are now more important than ever. And in a time when anyone and everyone are offering their opinions, how do you know who to trust?
We have the solution: In the Stacks is creating an application that will aggregate book recommendations by some of the most authoritative sources on the topic — librarians from around the world. Users will get top picks for their bookshelf based on preferences and expert data generated by a Librarian Brain database. The ITS book recommender product will debut at the mobile app pavilion at the American Library Association conference in San Francisco in June 2015. Since the average cost to build an app is $6453 (TechCrunch, January 2014) and the exhibitor cost at ALA's mobile app pavilion is $800, $7253 is the minimum amount we aim to raise. (Update: In the Stacks is also demo-ing our product at BookExpo America StartUp Alley in May 2015, and we've added $1000 in expenses to participate in this oportunity, for a total funding goal of $8253).
How the project started
I started doing video book reviews in graduate school and now 5 years later, I'm a librarian and my video book review website is still going strong with almost 200 episodes. My team and I would like to re-energize our project by creating this app that allows people to find their next favorite book right from their phone.
How it works
When users log into their application, their book preferences are combined with librarian book recommendations to generate a list of top book picks, just for them.
We want to give people someone they can rely on as a trusted source for book recommendations. Librarians are the most authoritative literary source, and our users can go to In the Stacks for their next great read.
We want to strengthen and grow our product in order to get it out to more people, in more places, in a more advanced way. Your feedback on In the Stacks is important to us. Please, help librarians build a revolutionary app that they can turn to for advice every time they walk into a bookstore or library, or shop online. Your support is essential to our success. If you think In the Stacks is useful, interesting, or important, we're asking you to please: support it, use it, and share it with your friends and family.
Find your next read In the Stacks! More at IntheStacks.tv
Please note:
—Offline contribution options available. Please email [email redacted]
—The fabulous supporters of this campaign are enthusiastically participating in the pre-sale of our product. This is not an offer to purchase securities. Investor pitch available upon request.
—Goal amount includes building a mobile app for iPhone and Android. Budget available upon request.
—Using GoFundMe allows us to run an 18-month long fundraising campaign, right up until and during our June 2015 private beta launch. This feature is not available on the other crowdfunding platforms.