Molly's Brain Injury Medical Fund
Hi! I started my first year at Barnard College this year, but only three weeks into the first semester I had a seizure while crossing Broadway. This resulted in a skull fracture, a second concussion (I already had one), contusions and a subdural hematoma, which has a mortality rate of 60-80%. Due to the severity of the injury, I had a whole team of doctors working on me in the first two hours of my stay at Mount Sinai, working to save my life. I have been seen at six different hospitals for my injuries, and I've been through physical therapy (to relearn how to walk), occupational therapy (to help with double vision), and speech therapy (to work on my memory problems). Given all of this medical attention, my medical bills are racking up and they are becoming too much to handle. Please contribute to my bill fund, every penny counts.