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Thank you for visiting #IrelandThanksYou campaign
The Ireland Thanks You Campaign was created in 2020 to say a big 'Thank You' to Ireland's Frontline Heroes in healthcare across Ireland as part of not-for-profit fundraising initiative. The remit being to put a One4All special edition Ireland Thanks You gift card into the hands of those working in healthcare as a gift from the people of Ireland.
As of today, 22 December we have together raised €100,330, so you thanked over 1,000 people through this donation page and direct donations. This donation page will stay ‘live’ until 31 December, so any further donations in this time will reach a frontline healthcare worker. Please see updated status of €100,330 on www.IrelandThanksYou.ie. This fundraiser will be closed down on 31 December, however, any further donations up until that date will reach frontline workers.
To each and every one of you who donated to say thank you, it was received by a healthcare worker who was touched by your sentiment and generosity.
Tom Keogh, Keogh’s Farm
The Ireland Thanks You Campaign was created in 2020 to say a big 'Thank You' to Ireland's Frontline Heroes in healthcare across Ireland as part of not-for-profit fundraising initiative. The remit being to put a One4All special edition Ireland Thanks You gift card into the hands of those working in healthcare as a gift from the people of Ireland.
As of today, 22 December we have together raised €100,330, so you thanked over 1,000 people through this donation page and direct donations. This donation page will stay ‘live’ until 31 December, so any further donations in this time will reach a frontline healthcare worker. Please see updated status of €100,330 on www.IrelandThanksYou.ie. This fundraiser will be closed down on 31 December, however, any further donations up until that date will reach frontline workers.
To each and every one of you who donated to say thank you, it was received by a healthcare worker who was touched by your sentiment and generosity.
Tom Keogh, Keogh’s Farm
Tom Keogh Of Keoghs Potatoes and Crisps