Mama needs her daughter
Donation protected
Hola, my name is Irma. I humbly come to you seeking help to raise the funds to repair my vehicle.
I am a proud and private person who is troubled to ask for help of any kind. This is particularly embarrasing. To admit that I need help of a financial nature.
The funds raised from this campaign will be used to pay to replace the engine on my 2005 Mazda van, including labor.
You may ask yourself (or not), why should I help you pay to fix your van? Let me shed a little light onto my situation with this backstory.
The "Little Woman" in the pictures with me is my Mama. She is just just shy of 89 years young, residing in a long term nursing facility due to dementia and tramatic brain injury. Mama can be very funny, loves music and handsome men! She sounds just like her daughter!!
She is my priority, my best friend, my inspiration for pushing through the tough times that we have endured.
I have been caring for The Little Woman for over 20 years, which is when she had her first of 2 brain surgeries. My daily routine is to spend about 6 hours at the nursing home to feed her, assist in her care, advocate for her ( and all the residents), keep her happy and all around spoil her. She cannot walk and has limited ability to feed or care for her own needs.
Being there every day with mama does make a difference in her mood. It limits her outbursts, depression, confusion and slipping into the dark places of her mind which are all the affects of dementia and her brain injury.
Being there every day makes a difference for me too. It eases my mind that she is as happy as she can be, safe and not in that darkness.
It's always been Mama and me, since I was 9 years old. Our closest family is over 200 miles away so there is no one else to help with the caregiving.
5 years ago I took ill, quite unexpectadly. I have been deemed disabled with a chronic heart condition which has required implanting a pacemaker and defribulator to regulate my heart. Extreme temps cause me breathing issues and I fatigue easily. The doctors did not allow me to drive for the first two years of my illness and in that time my 21yr old car(yup, I said 21 years) rotted out and is being junked. My doctors do not want me to work so I am on a fixed income of social security disability with no opportunity for additional income.
This left me to have to rely on generous friends, neighbors, my boyfriend and his family for rides to the nursing home. It has been especially challenging to get a call at 2am that you are needed at the nursing home or hospital and to have to search for a ride, imposing on someone to get up in the middle of the night.
In January, my beloved boyfriend suddenly passed away. I am devastated. But, what has kept me from sinking into a deep depression is my responsiblity to my Mama. She is the reason I make myself get up and share every day with her. We are making memories and that's all we have left when all is said and done. Right?
A few months ago, a dear friend and true angel on earth, gifted me her 2005 Mazda van, FINALLY , I was independant again...until the head gasket blew (that means a new engine). In case you are asking (or not), YES there was oil in the van. The engine had 190,000 miles which required refilling of the anti-freeze on a daily basis and driving with the heat on at all times to prevent the failing engine from overheating. I did that until three weeks ago....
Once again I find myself without transportation and stress each day as I try to arrange rides to care for my mama . I also struggle to get to the pharmacy, to get my medications and the supermarket, for food. I live simply in senior housing, don't take vacations or have mani/pedis. I dye my own hair with Dollar Store hair dye and will spend my last dollar on something for Mama.
You may ask yourself (or not) why doesn't she take a bus or taxi? The state I live in has a very poor public transit system.
Car ride to the nursing home = 10 minutes
2 busses + a 15 minute walk = 1 1/2 hours
A taxi is $20 round trip....that adds up VERY fast.
My mechanic has been searching for an engine for the past two weeks. He has found only ONE. It has 69,000 miles and is $1,500. He is still looking for engines. He believes the van is a sound vehicle and in good shape and it is worth it to replace the engine. The total cost of the repair includes the engine and very extensive labor totalling $3,000.
If donations exceed the cost of the repairs I will pay it forward and donate excess funds to The Alzheimers Association.
Well, that was a longer SHORT story than I intended. I thank each of you for reading my appeal. Mama and I hope that our story touched your heart and has made you think about spending more time with those you love.
Any amount you can contribute is greatly appreciated. Mama has one thing to say and that is HOT DOG. It's her favorite food and she likes to just yell it out now and then!!
Love, laughter, blessing and health to you and yours.
Mama and me
I am a proud and private person who is troubled to ask for help of any kind. This is particularly embarrasing. To admit that I need help of a financial nature.
The funds raised from this campaign will be used to pay to replace the engine on my 2005 Mazda van, including labor.
You may ask yourself (or not), why should I help you pay to fix your van? Let me shed a little light onto my situation with this backstory.
The "Little Woman" in the pictures with me is my Mama. She is just just shy of 89 years young, residing in a long term nursing facility due to dementia and tramatic brain injury. Mama can be very funny, loves music and handsome men! She sounds just like her daughter!!
She is my priority, my best friend, my inspiration for pushing through the tough times that we have endured.
I have been caring for The Little Woman for over 20 years, which is when she had her first of 2 brain surgeries. My daily routine is to spend about 6 hours at the nursing home to feed her, assist in her care, advocate for her ( and all the residents), keep her happy and all around spoil her. She cannot walk and has limited ability to feed or care for her own needs.
Being there every day with mama does make a difference in her mood. It limits her outbursts, depression, confusion and slipping into the dark places of her mind which are all the affects of dementia and her brain injury.
Being there every day makes a difference for me too. It eases my mind that she is as happy as she can be, safe and not in that darkness.
It's always been Mama and me, since I was 9 years old. Our closest family is over 200 miles away so there is no one else to help with the caregiving.
5 years ago I took ill, quite unexpectadly. I have been deemed disabled with a chronic heart condition which has required implanting a pacemaker and defribulator to regulate my heart. Extreme temps cause me breathing issues and I fatigue easily. The doctors did not allow me to drive for the first two years of my illness and in that time my 21yr old car(yup, I said 21 years) rotted out and is being junked. My doctors do not want me to work so I am on a fixed income of social security disability with no opportunity for additional income.
This left me to have to rely on generous friends, neighbors, my boyfriend and his family for rides to the nursing home. It has been especially challenging to get a call at 2am that you are needed at the nursing home or hospital and to have to search for a ride, imposing on someone to get up in the middle of the night.
In January, my beloved boyfriend suddenly passed away. I am devastated. But, what has kept me from sinking into a deep depression is my responsiblity to my Mama. She is the reason I make myself get up and share every day with her. We are making memories and that's all we have left when all is said and done. Right?
A few months ago, a dear friend and true angel on earth, gifted me her 2005 Mazda van, FINALLY , I was independant again...until the head gasket blew (that means a new engine). In case you are asking (or not), YES there was oil in the van. The engine had 190,000 miles which required refilling of the anti-freeze on a daily basis and driving with the heat on at all times to prevent the failing engine from overheating. I did that until three weeks ago....
Once again I find myself without transportation and stress each day as I try to arrange rides to care for my mama . I also struggle to get to the pharmacy, to get my medications and the supermarket, for food. I live simply in senior housing, don't take vacations or have mani/pedis. I dye my own hair with Dollar Store hair dye and will spend my last dollar on something for Mama.
You may ask yourself (or not) why doesn't she take a bus or taxi? The state I live in has a very poor public transit system.
Car ride to the nursing home = 10 minutes
2 busses + a 15 minute walk = 1 1/2 hours
A taxi is $20 round trip....that adds up VERY fast.
My mechanic has been searching for an engine for the past two weeks. He has found only ONE. It has 69,000 miles and is $1,500. He is still looking for engines. He believes the van is a sound vehicle and in good shape and it is worth it to replace the engine. The total cost of the repair includes the engine and very extensive labor totalling $3,000.
If donations exceed the cost of the repairs I will pay it forward and donate excess funds to The Alzheimers Association.
Well, that was a longer SHORT story than I intended. I thank each of you for reading my appeal. Mama and I hope that our story touched your heart and has made you think about spending more time with those you love.
Any amount you can contribute is greatly appreciated. Mama has one thing to say and that is HOT DOG. It's her favorite food and she likes to just yell it out now and then!!
Love, laughter, blessing and health to you and yours.
Mama and me
Irma Velez-Parent
Pawtucket, RI