Irokart - I need your help
My name is Kori Jones, you may also know me as Irokart on Instagram. My apartment recently was in a fire. The fire and water damage took my Mac laptop, iPad, irreplaceable canvas art and all my artwork supplies ( from pencils to canvases).
I am a digital artist, freelancer, Curator and so much more. I enjoy putting together pop up shops full of like minded artist in my community but due to COVID-19 that never got to happen this year. By day I am a paraprofessional but also due to COVID-19, I don’t have the same hrs like I used to. So, I am reaching out to the universe for help because I realize I cannot do it all on my own
The fire had knocked me down even more creatively when I had already been in a low space mentally. Today I choose to look ahead and see this as an opportunity to renew and work on bigger and better projects.
I plan on working towards my goals of starting my comics, learning animation, growing my tshirt business and getting back to creating custom art for customers. But I can’t get this rolling without your help! I need to buy back my laptop, iPad, Adobe cloudsuit, drawing tablet and allmy artwork supplies.
Thank you for taking your time to read this. I am working on sketch portraits to help me raise money as well. I promise to work hard and keep my dreams alive. I will keep you updated about all the art projects that I get to work on because of your help. Please check out my Instagram @irokart for my portfolio.
Thank you for all your light and love,
Kori Jones