Fighting for my Warrior
Donation protected

My husband Corey and I had a beautiful baby boy on November 5, 2014. Unfortunately Isaac was born with several birth defects. He has situs inverses totalis (all of his organs are on the opposite side of his body), dextrocardia, pulmonary atresia, double outlet right ventricle, and a hole in his heart. Isaac had his first open heart surgery at only six days old, his second at five months old, and will be having his third open heart surgery in just a couple of months. Instead of these severe complications with Isaac bringing Corey and I together, it began to tear us apart.
Corey is in the Marines and we were moved to San Diego in October 2013. We were moved away from all family, friends, and support.
I have suffered from severe post-partum depression partly due to our marital issues, but mainly because of Isaac’s medical conditions. I have had a difficult time dealing with Isaac’s medical conditions and his surgeries. My doctors placed me on the wrong medications to help me cope with my depression and anxiety. These medications did not work and I fell deeper and deeper into the depression every day. I checked out emotionally and I felt numb. However, I still took care of Isaac every day. I made sure that not only were his basic needs were met, but also all of his medical needs and made it to every weekly doctor appointments. Instead of my husband helping me get through this critical time in my life, he accused me of not cleaning the house well enough, and being fat and lazy. He also would accuse me of being a drug addict because of the medications I was prescribed by a physician. These accusations are far from the truth.
On July 1st, Corey had me served with a restraining order and had me removed from my home and my infant without any warning what so ever. In the restraining order he claims that I am an unfit mother due to my post-partum depression. He claimed that I had neglected Isaac because he had a diaper rash for a very short period of time, which I treated with medication. He also claimed the house was not clean enough because one day he came home to two dirty bottles by the sink. I have been seeking help for my post-partum depression since after Isaac was born. After I was served the temporary restraining order, I had ten minutes to gather a few belongings. I was unable to kiss my baby goodbye. I was so lost and had no place to go so I turned to my family. After much advice I decided to get to Florida so I could be with family and have a place to live temporarily.
There was a hearing set for two weeks later, which I flew back to California to attend. At that point I was still unclear of what was happening and why my husband had turned on me. His attorney served me with divorce papers ten minutes prior to the hearing. I was devastated. I was unprepared and not represented so the Judge continued the case for two weeks later.
As soon as the hearing was dismissed, his attorney confronted me and offered me a deal, a stipulation that I would agree to go back to Florida and get help that I needed. They told me I could see him that day and promised me skyping sessions and daily pictures while I was receiving treatment. All I heard was that I would get to see my son after two weeks of not being able to hold or love on him. Under severe distress, and unclear of what the stipulation entailed, I agreed.
I have followed the stipulation to reconnect with my son as soon as possible. Now, his attorney is trying to say that I am “non-compliant” because I am not seeking a California Doctor, knowing that would be impossible because the stipulation has me getting mental health care in Florida. Since arriving to Florida I have been under care of doctors who have adjusted my medication. I have also been seeing a therapist and I am feeling much better.
Corey has revoked my skyping sessions and I have not received any pictures of my son in three weeks. He will not even tell me who is taking care of Isaac while he works long hours every day.
I have tried several routes to obtain an attorney to protect my right as his mother, and to get my son back but to no avail. I am in need of donations for an attorney to help me get my rights back as his mother, as well as donations to help me get back to California.
Isaac’s next surgery is in October at Rady Children’s hospital in San Diego, and he needs his mom there to support him and be strong for him. I HAVE to get back to California as soon as possible to fight for Isaac and my rights as his mom.
Isaac needs all the love and support he can get and at this point Corey has not only cut me completely out of his life, but my family as well. My son means everything to me and I know it is not fair or healthy for Isaac to be away from his sole provider since that day he was born. I have been the best mom I could possibly be with the cards that I have been dealt.
My faith in the Lord, my family and my friends are what’s sustaining me. I know if I stay positive and reach out to the right people good things will happen.
I am going through a really rough time right now and I thought if I reached out to friends and family that I could possibly raise the money, support and prayers that I need to get my son back and be the wonderful mother that I know I am.
If you can’t donate, I ask you to please share my story and maybe a prayer as well.
Thank you,
Erin Tobey
San Diego, CA