Isaak’s legacy helping out steph & son Wesley
Where do we start. Recently we lost a man to a terrible disease. A man many of us called friend, lots have called helpful, but only 1 who has called him love and 1 has called him dad. Isaak had an infectious smile and passion for helping others. Taken too soon. He has left behind his son Wesley and mom Stephanie.
Stephanie is a woman who has endured many trials and triumphs. She goes above and beyond to help others. A true passion and fire for it. She is a strong and resilient single mom who works tirelessly for her kids and helping other women. A wonderful mother, an amazing friend,and truely an inspiring woman. This gofundme is to help Stephanie and son Wesley during this challenging time and to honor Isaak’s legacy. All donations will be going to help Stephanie especially get through this holiday season without the financial fear of losing the house or car and being able to provide Christmas for her little ones. Isaak was helping pay for rent, car, childcare, food, and much more and that burden has now landed on Stephanie alone. It’s such a difficult time right now already with the pandemic, on top of the holidays and now an unexpected passing makes things even more stressful, so whatever we can do to relieve that stress for this family is greatly appreciated! Anything helps and ask for prayers during this time!Thank you so much & God bless!