Isabella's Christmas Gift to Autism
Tax deductible
My precious niece sent our family this text message (see picture or dictated below)!
We all draw a name for Christmas and have a $50 budget. I drew her name this year and I am in awe of her compassion and that as a young 22 year old she, is asking that her secret Santa makes a difference with her $50 dollars instead of getting her anything. I laid in bed thinking about how amazing it would be if we could turn this $50 into $500 or more.
Isabella has a heart for the autistic. She has worked at Healing Haven for the last several years as an RBT and is going to start her masters next year with the heart and goal of make a difference.
Would you consider giving $5 or $10 this Christmas to Autism Speaks? It would bless us and them greatly.
Merry Christmas, Beth DeLemos
Text Message:
"Yo yo everyone!! I think the way secret santa works is that no one from my household can have me, so with that being said someone in y’all’s house has me:) If my secret Santa hasn’t already gotten me a gift, I would love it if my secret santa would give to someone y’all know is in need this Christmas instead with the $50 budget. I am so blessed and truly have more than I need, my cup overflows with blessings! However, if my secret santa has already gotten me a gift I am very grateful for their thoughtfulness and generosity. Have a beautiful day everyone!"

Beth DeLemos
Murfreesboro, TN