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Isaiah Tapia's Funeral

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Hello all,

Those of you who have known Isaiah know just how amazing and special he was. He was always kind, caring, and honest. Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to this beautiful soul on April 12, 2023, after his 6-month battle with cancer. Throughout the whole process and to the end, his courage and strength never wavered. As you can imagine, it is hard to face this reality as his family. Isaiah was always able to touch the hearts of those around him because of his energetic and honest self. We want to do our best to commemorate his life because what an amazing life he led. All donations and proceeds will be going toward the costs of his medical bills and the services that will take place to celebrate his life. Our family thanks you infinitely for your care and prayers as we go through this tremendous loss.

The Tapia Family


  • Bella Hernandez
    • 20 $
    • 2 Jahre
  • Elijah Gamboa
    • 20 $
    • 2 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 100 $
    • 2 Jahre
  • Jenny Ortega and Family
    • 125 $
    • 2 Jahre
  • Wesley Allen
    • 50 $
    • 2 Jahre


Alyssah Tapia
Chula Vista, CA

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