Books/School Supplies for Federai!
Donation protected

The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) is a sovereign island nation with four states, from west to east – Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei, and Kosrae. These four states are made up of 607 islands; which range in size from the main island of Pohnpei which is 128 sq mi, to the largest island in the Ulithi Atoll at only 1.3 sq mi. The expanse of islands occupies over 1 million square miles of the Pacific Ocean.
The FSM has a special relationship with the United States, called the Compact of Free Association, which was officially adopted and signed into law on November 13, 1986. This agreement provides U.S. economic assistance in areas of health and education, along with defense of the FSM, and other services and benefits. The compact is periodically renegotiated between both governments, the last negotiation took place in 2003 and then next will one will take place in 2023.
The U.S. Peace Corps was established in the FSM in 1966, and has welcomed more than 4,340 total volunteers since its inception. Currently, Peace Corps Volunteers (PCV) are working in the Education Sector as co-teachers and co-planners in schools across the FSM in all four states. Peace Corps Response Volunteers (PCRV) also work in the education sector as professionals in the realm of accreditation. In the past, there have been volunteers in many sectors such as; agriculture, health, and youth development.
Stephen Guertler is currently a PCV serving on the island of Federai in the Ulithi Atoll. This atoll is situated 95 miles off the coast of Yap Mainland and is accessible via planes, and cargo ships.
Very few people know about these islands, or the generous, friendly, and hardworking people that inhabit them. It’s time for everyone to not only be aware of these super talented people, but to understand that if given the right tools to succeed they can do anything. To reach their goals, students need more resources to excel in school, continue in higher education, and come back to their home islands and influence positive change.
The effects of climate change are apparent across the FSM, but especially in the outer islands. Federai stands just above sea level and is constantly being eroded due to tides and currents, as well tropical storms, cyclones, and typhoons.
This is where you come in. You know that Climate Change is a reality, so lets help these students have access to the books and materials they need to excel and reach their full potential. Education is key for the future sustainablity of the islands.
We created this page to raise awareness, and create a space for people to donate goods or money to assist the community on Federai. It is our hope, that you will help us reach our goal, spread our message, and create connections to the community on Federai.
To donate goods directly, please take a look at the list below for the most needed items. When you send the package, please include a note with your name and address. To ship, go to a United States Postal Service Location (USPS) and get a white priority box to get standard shipping rates along with a tracking number. The boxes come in different sizes; small, medium (top-loading), medium (side-loading) large, and board game
On the customs form please indicate “Donated Goods/toys/books” where applicable, and send to the following address:
Stephen Guertler: C/O Peace Corps
P.O. Box 190
Colonia, Yap
96943, FSM
Stephen has volunteered to coordinate distribution of all donated materials to the island community and will ensure all donations are put directly into the hands of students and teachers; but this page is not affilated with Peace Corps Organization.
To donate monetary funds, please use this GOFUNDME page, the proceeds will go toward the purchase of the list below, as well as covering shipping costs for additional materials donated locally.
Children’s / Easy Readers / Coloring/ Chapter books
Alphabet, numbers, and counting
Young Adult fiction
Encyclopedia Set (accessible for students)
Reference Books
Educational magazines
Book series/sets- multiple copies for kids to read together/book club
Books and coordinated movie (i.e. Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Narnia)
Fitness/Nutrition books
Books about climate change, recycling/upcycling, fishing
Board Games (i.e. Monopoly, Chess, Checkers, Battleship, Cards…any games)
Brain Teasers
Art Supplies/ School Supplies
Notebooks/composition books (for school work and journaling)
Pens/ Pencils
Colored Pencils/ Markers
Arts and Crafts books
Sports Equipment
Volleyball/ Net
Soccer balls
Kick balls
Disc golf
Flag football equipment/football
Ping pong
Jump ropes
Lawn games
Horse shoes
Dart board /Darts
Education Equipment
Posters about books/ movies/ travel/ reading/learning/ recycling
Speaker –For music and movies in the library.
Documentaries re: global warming, recycling, nutrition/hygiene, and disaster preparedness
Tools for school
Solar charges to charge batteries
Fans for the library and each classroom
Solar panels for community sharing
Personal Supplies
Toothbrushes (Children and Adult)
Toothpaste (Children and Adult)/Floss/ Mouthwash
Garden Supplies
Kale, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers
Books about gardening
Green house supplies
Overstock of any of the above items will be distributed to other schools in need throughout the Ulithi Atoll.
Thank you for your generosity, willingness to share our message, and your amazing support of essential education.
Gene Rachielug
Portland, OR