Chronic and acute. A perfect match
Donation protected

Now it covers none of this. I've been paying out of pocket and short changing my medication and it's made me go through severe sleep shifts and mood/executive function troubles. It's interfered with my ability to work... To do anything.
My rozerem and mirtazipine combined cost about four hundred a month. My psychologist is a hundred an hour. I'm supposed to see her weekly, but I've been going every other week, once a month, every three weeks... Whenever I can afford her. Because I'm only functioning at half speed I'm not earning much and I'm just keeping up with past medical costs- my care credit is maxed out.
Seeing her and taking my medication correctly was stabilizing me and i was starting to do well... I've checked and none of the aca/wa apple insurances will cover these things.
I'm adding everything I've got to sell to my shop site this coming week to try and help. I can't really function well enough to do that like i used to. If you just want to pitch in, here is how.
Mental illness is a absolutely wicked beast. I don't know what else to do at this point. If you can spare a dime, here's my hat.
to add to this, my partner has ALL so I'm now involved in taking care of him. right now we're trying to raise money to get housing in Seattle while he gets a bone marrow transplant.
so here's another hat.

Resonanteye Anj Marth
Spokane, WA