Help end sexual harassment in K-12 schools
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Sexual harassment/assault in K-12 schools has devastating consequences. Students fall behind in classwork, drop out, lose friends, endure shame, and sometimes take their own lives. It’s no wonder that the National Centers for Disease Control now recognizes sexual violence and harassment, homophobic name-calling, and unwanted sexual touching as major public health concerns for adolescents.
Stop Sexual Assault in School (SSAIS) was founded in 2014 by parents whose lives were thrown into turmoil when their high-school age daughter was sexually assaulted by a peer on a school field trip. Following an outpouring of public support, SSAIS now spearheads a national movement to combat the epidemic of sexual violence in K-12 schools—the breeding ground for sexual assaults taking place in colleges across the country.
Nationally, SSAIS advocates for legislative change, collaborates with gender equity organization, continues to educate the public in over 200 media reports, and creates innovative education and toolkits that are free to all. At the local level, SSAIS supports families whose students' education has been compromised by sexual harassment and assault, and advocacy efforts by students, allies, and local organizations.
Your donation enables SSAIS to expand the reach of our work through a new website and our Students Against Sexual Harassment (SASH) Club peer-education initiative. With increasing awareness and an uptick in local advocacy/protests, SSAIS is poised to make greater impact with your support.
SSAIS is a all-volunteer-run nonprofit and 100% of your donation goes to strengthen our urgently needed education and advocacy.
Thank you for supporting SSAIS.
Stop Sexual Assault in Schools