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- Hello firstly I would like to thank you for viewing our page.we are the Middleton family Paul Stacey jack Harry & Baby Jake from Brixham in Devon.
We have been forced to set up a fundraiser for our 9 year old boy jacks fight against Osteosarcoma proximal {bone cancer} & his rehabilitation journey back to somewhat a normal life.
On the19th january 2022 jack was in a motorcross compertition in devon .when he colided wh another rider which led to a visit to A&E at Torbay hospital upon been assessed he was sent for a xray to find out that he had fractured his lower right leg.the doctor in a&e was concerned & wanted a second opinion on jacks xray. along came another consultant who explained to us jack required a ct scan & was required to stay in hospital overnight for further investigation.
Over the next 24 hours jack underwent numerouse fluid & blood tests & a mri scan.at this point we were told they had found some admirality & jack needed to be transfered to the Royal Manchester Childrens Hospital hundreds of miles away.this was organised straight away & within 2 hours we were edding north up the M5 in the back of a ambulance with myself following in the car.the next 48 hours were like a worldwind more scans & tests were carried out. for us to be taken into a room with two consultants & told our little boy had osteosarcoma proximal bone cancer in his right tibia.
We cant tell you or explain what went through our minds at that point felt like our gutts had been ripped out.
We were told jack had to stay in manchester with a view of his treatment to be started straight away we asked the question can he be transfered to a hospital in our own area & we were told sorry know its not possible. Over the next few months our little soldier battled through courses of chemotherapy & radiotherapy he also contracted mrsa & covid but to this day battles trough & remains strong & focused. Jack lost all his hair due to the treatment in march he was gutted weve assured him it will grow back thicker than ever.so of course myself & his young brother harry had to have ours shaved jack thought this was hilarious. On the 15th may we were both called into a meeting with jacks consultants to be told jacks cancer had spread & they needed to amputate above jacks knee to save his life. we asked what the survival rates wer in children to be told between 70& 80% & that the only other options available on the nhs was more chemo. However we were told about a pioneering clinic over in Austria which offered alternatives however these options were self funding. we agreed as a family unit we had to get a meeting set up to talk through jacks options.on monday 6th june a vidio link meeting was set up from the royal manchester & the medaustronclinic in wiener in austria .at the end of the call a desision was made to carry on with these options . & jack was to go ASAP .
Dr Pierro Fossati & his team of pioneering cancer specialists got back in touch with all the financial information of the costs & a date was set for jack to go out on the 1st july with the pre opp to be done on the 2nd &surgery to comence on monday the 4th to remove his leg.jack will need to stay over in austria for 9 weeks for his treatment to take place yes a logistical nightmare.
Jack & little bro harry x
- Our little soldier is gutted beyond words & all he keeps asking will i ride again jack & harry have strong passions for motorcross & have both been competing from a young age. for jack to carry on with his motorcross he will require a specialised sports leg.
We today have had costings in to supply a genuine X3 pro carve ottobock prosthesis leg used in specialised sports coming in at £137k thats on top of treatment costs.
Ourselfs as a family have allways worked since leaving school & have never claimed of the state for anything .& feel so embarrassed having to ask people for help but we hve know option.were down to one wage coming in as stacey has had to put her work on hold to care for jack.our familys are helping out as much as possible but were at a financial stop.
Many thanks to nine our oldest donator @ 105 years young xxx
- Once again please please if you could find it in your hearts to help us via a donation or help with fundraising we will be forever in your debt if any one wants to help please email us [email redacted] or contact us on facebook paul stacey jo middleton many thanks guys xx
Our family suite at the Medaustron clinic beautiful views. Xx
We would like to thank devon & essex live / the daily mirror /manchester evening news & SWNS rocks for getting on board xx
Thanks to crouch recovery for supporting us xx
Fundraising team: Team jack (1)
Paul Stacey Jo Middleton
Joanna Christoforou-Collins
Team member