Jacky Chen Disc Golf Fund
This GoFundMe is to help get Jacky Chen to the USA for a major disc golf tournament in 2020.
關於GoFundMe募款活動,要特別介紹來自台灣的Jacky Chen (陳傑) ,讓他有機會能參加今年8月13-16日將在美國舉辦的大型國際飛盤高爾夫比賽 (Ledgestone Insurance Open). 陳傑,2019年12月才報名PDGA的會員,在2020年2月8-9號居然以黑馬之姿,打敗了來自美國和日本的頂級選手(像是James Conrad, Nate Perkins, Philo Brathwaite, Manabu Kajiyama, 等等), 陳傑在亞洲盃國際飛盤高爾夫比賽中,不僅拿到了冠軍,更被PDGA評估了1040. 但很可惜的是陳傑心有餘而力不足。他可能因為經濟問題而放棄這次在美國舉辦的國際賽事,無法成行。 所以希望能借由這個募款方式,能讓陳傑得以如願參加這次美國的比賽。這次募款的項目包含:來回機票,住宿,交通費,飲食和比賽的入場費. 陳傑的故事不但能激勵帶動台灣的飛盤高爾夫發展,更是一個能鼓勵大家範本,讓我們一起讓台灣的飛盤高爾夫發揚光大。陳傑加油!!!
Jacky burst on to the professional disc golf scene with a huge win at the 2020 Asia Open in Taiwan this February, competing with some of the worlds best. He establishing a 1040 rating to debut.
The next step for Jacky is to compete in a premier event in the USA. The only obstacle in front of Jacky is the financial burden of travelling halfway across the world to compete.
The funds raised will be to used for airline tickets, lodging, transportation, food, and tournament entry fee.
It's such a cool story for disc golf. I believe Jacky's participation could give a huge boost to growing the sport in Asia, and I just want to see it continue!