Jacob's LPA Conference Fund
We are raising money needed to take our 7 year old son, who lives with a rare dwarfism, to the Little People of America national conference in Denver.
The opportunity to spend a week with other children his age and size, will help Jacob in many ways. Jacob's tiny body, less than 30 inches tall, makes it difficult for average-sized children his age to understand that he is just like them, only smaller. Jacob continues to stand strong, as he is sometimes perceived as being much younger, or told he is too small to play, which can be emotionally challenging. This will be the first time Jacob has the chance to be with a group of children who are just like him.
The national conference also has friendly competitive sports, outings, dances, and medical specialists the children can see.
Jacob was born with a rare dwarfism called Opsismodysplasia. While there are over 200 various types of dwarfism, Jacob's is a rare genetic anamoly. He is now 7 years old and although tiny, he walks, runs, dances, and plays like other children. He can talk, sing, and even whistle little tunes. He has even begun to show the world that anyone who tries hard enough can dream big and reach limitless potential with TV and movie roles.
Our community came together with a benefit dinner for Jacob this past weekend and raised over $2000. This is an amazing boost toward the $6k needed to make the trip possible.
Thank you all for helping.
-Mom and Dad