Jaelah's Attorney Fees
From September 2016 to May 2017, we repeatedly told our general physician something was wrong with our daughter. She had an uncontrollable jerk of her body. Our concerns were dismissed as nothing but "startled reflex". In May 2017, our general physican FINALLY sent us to a specialist to get our daughter seen by someone. A neurologist at a children's hospital in Indianapolis.
On July 2017, Jaelah had an MRI to confirm that she has epilepsy. She was indeed having myoclonic seizures. After the diagnosis, we told the children's hospital in Indy that we would like to research different methods of treatment and decide from there the treatment plan. We were very reluctant to put our daughter on an Anti-Epliletic Drug (AED), Keppra, because of the horrible side effects. We found a Chiropractic Neurologist who would treat Jaelah with CBD oil. A healthy alternative method with virtually no side effects. AND IT WORKED! On the lowest dose, we saw a reduction in seizures. From 50+ a day to 2-4 a day! The results were amazing!
However, the doctor's at the children's hospital in Indy did not agree with that method. We were told we were killing our daughter because we are not treating her.
We told them we wanted a second opinion, so we went to another pedicatric neurologist.
On Thursday 9/14, we took her to see one, who agreed to keep her on the CBD oil, but also wanted to add a low dose of Keppra in addition to hopefully get Jaelah seizure-free. Jade and I were still reluctant, but we agreed to try it. We started the Keppra and cut all ties with the neurologists at the children's hospital in Indy.
Since we started the Keppra, we already noticed a difference in our daughter's behavior. She cries all the time, she gets upset easily, and she hasnt eaten as much as she usually does. She's not the same Jaelah. We will continue the Keppra until our new neurologist can monitor the reduction.
And here comes the problem, the children's hospital in Indy reported us to CPS because we are not treating our daughter. CPS is forcing us to give our daughter the Keppra. They are forcing us to get our daughter's blood drawn weekly to show proof that we are giving her the Keppra. We have no choice in the matter. If we do not comply, they will get a court order and remove our daughter from our home. Jaelah is currently on Charlottes Web Hemp Oil and (unwillingly) the Keppra.
Many of you know us, we would do anything in the world for our kids' that is humanly possible. We are asking for help to hire an attorney to fight this. To get our rights back to treat our daughter with a method that may be controversy, but it is a treatment that works! I believe in it! I saw it myself!
Please help us in any way that you can, even if it is just a prayer. Pray for our Sweet Jaelah who doesn't have a voice. Lets be her voice!
Information on Attorney:
It will cost us $1,800 to retain the attorney and for him to research Jaelah's story.
An additional $1,700 for him to contact the opposing council.
An additional $1,500 will take care of his court appearance.
#JusticeforJaelah #Jaelahstrong #Jaelahlove