James Cagle Final Expenses
As many of you now know my uncle, James Cagle, co-owner and manger of Rock Bottom Comics, passed away late Thanksgiving evening in his sleep. He wasn’t in any pain and went peacefully, but the toll it’s taken on not only our family but the community can be felt deeply. Unfortunately, with James’ passing being so unexpected our family is asking for a little help right now, neither my mom or grandma can afford the entire cost of final preparations.
There won’t be a funeral service, as that’s not something my uncle would have wanted and not something that we as a family are emotionally prepared for, but there will be a memorial celebration in the coming weeks that we encourage and invite everyone who knew James to attend. He wouldn’t want any of us to mope around and cry for him, as you know, but to celebrate the life that he lived instead. These final expenses are simply to put my uncle to rest the way he wanted. Ashes to ashes.
Please, if my uncle in anyway was a part of your life or impacted you somehow, my family would greatly appreciate your help.
Attached is a recorded interview with my uncle from a few years ago, it was an accompaniment to a piece written for Vox Magazine. I haven’t been able to listen to more than 30 seconds of it at this point without breaking down, but for those of you who don’t know my uncle I think it will be a good introduction. For almost his entire life he got to do the one thing he really loved, and that was talk about and sell comics to people. There is not a single other person I can think of who was as passionate or knowledgeable in this field.
My uncle was a friend to all and so deeply loved. He’s missed more than he probably ever thought he would be, if I’m speaking honestly. He could be a little rough around the edges sometimes, but his heart was always in the right place and he never made anyone feel like less than themselves.
Thank you for taking the time to read and donate, anything and everything is greatly appreciated. Details on the memorial celebration will be shared soon.
May the force be with you.