James is getting a new kidney!
Beschermde donatie
As a community we all can be proud of spreading the word on James Vogel struggle to find a kidney donor. Happy news as one has been found. The next huge hurdle will be the actual operation and the daily struggles the family will be facing as they make 3 or 4 trips a week back and forth the hospital and overnight stays in Calgary. The costs of overnight stays for the family will have to include child care as the children can’t miss countless days of school. No earned income coming in as Tanya has to take a leave without pay to take care transportation and care of James. As a community we are initiating a go fund me page to help the Vogel family through the next 4 months. James diabetes further complicates the transplant process so 4 months of recovery is being optimistic. Please help us help this family of 4 so their difficult journey is a bit easier one. While they are dealing with the special complexities of this transplant; utility bills and food bills will continue. Please help us help this family so the final chapter will be one of happiness and joy.
Organisator en begunstigde
Jamie Worman
Drumheller, AB
Tanya Vogel