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James Reid Helping Hand Fundraiser

Don protégé
I am a disabled Army veteran on the edge of homelessness. I lost everything in a fire of the RV I had just purchased with borrowed funds. It went up in flames within minutes of replacing the battery and turning the engine over. The RV had not been driven for 2 years. This RV had been my home for a couple weeks and I was going to drive it to a lot where a friend said I could live. I lost everything but the clothes on my back and the phone in my pocket. I am rated as totally disabled due to chemical poisoning and two IED explosions in Iraq. I was serving as a mortar man with the First Infantry Division. Due to my injuries, I am unable to work. I am hoping to purchase a trailer or RV where I can live and replace the clothes and personal items lost in the fire. I grew up in Hadlock and enlisted three years after high school. I surely appreciate any help you can offer. It is hard for me to publicly admit I need help, but I am facing really hard times right now.
Je soutiens


  • Anonyme
    • 50 $
    • 1 an
  • Sarah Nelson
    • 30 $
    • 1 an
  • VFW Post 3213
    • 500 $
    • 1 an
  • Anonyme
    • 100 $
    • 1 an
  • Pacific Crossroads Margaret Schermerhorn
    • 20 $
    • 1 an
Je soutiens


James Reid
Port Hadlock, WA

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