James Schofield, KOH Racer Wreck Recovery
On February 6th, our good friend and fellow racer James Schofield took a mighty tumble while riding as the navigator in a racecar at the 2021 King of the Hammers. The car, and safety equipment did their jobs, the driver and James survived. However, James suffered a broken collar bone, shattered knee, and back breaks for L2, L3, T5, T6. James is looking at numerous surgeries, and a long road to recovery and rehabilitation.
James and his wife April knew and have regularly discussed these scenarios. James is and always has been a racer, its who he is. He has insurance, but as a self-employed member of society, and bread winner needs our help. Though he'd never ask for it, but has given the shirt off of his own back for many over the years in the Ultra4 off-road racing and NHRA Drag Racing community, he needs our help.
Between April's travel from their home in Alabama, to California and staying until the point when James can be released. To getting him home to Alabama, and on the path to recovery, all the while unable to work and support his family.
100% of proceeds will be going to The Schofield Family.
As those that listen to The Talent Tank, I swear by the saying "Support those who support us", this is my call out to support one of our own. Thank you for any and all generosity from the racing family.
Wyatt Pemberton