Jamie’s fundraising for MEN MATTER SCOTLAND
Do you want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money in aid of MEN MATTER SCOTLAND and every donation will help.
In 2019 I decided i was going to go sober for a whole year and for a good cause! In the past few years Myself and friends have had our ups and downs and I always wondered if sobriety would make much of a difference. How much much does this effect our mental health and can you live your life the same without it?
So from the 1st of December 2019 and through this pandemic I've been on a journey of sobriety and what and eye opener it’s been!
Learning to deal with situations and emotions has been challenging. Learning not to just have a drink to ease everyday stresses has been tough. However there’s folk out there that are having a tougher time that can’t deal with it as easy and Men Matters Scotland could help them!
Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
More information about MEN MATTER SCOTLAND: Men Matter Scotland is a positive support network for men living in Scotland. We provide support, services, sessions and groups aimed at both preventing and responding to mental health crisis and suicide. All our activities are free of charge.