Jamie ChafeChaulk's Transplant Fund
Donation protected
Most of you may not know me, but I am one of Jamie’s Cystic Fibrosis (CF) family members! My name is Kelly Sheppard and 8 years ago, I was faced with the same situation as Jamie and Perry are now facing - the decision to have a double lung transplant. In very short order, Jamie and Perry will have to relocate to Toronto, ON (the nearest lung transplant centre) where they will wait for compatable lungs to become available. This wait can be anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of years or more!
Living with CF is not an easy task. As you may be aware, Jamie has struggled with the ‘unknown’ since 2012 when he contracted NTM, which caused his lung function to drop to 24%. To be considered for a lung transplant, a person’s lung function must be below 30%. So even 4 years ago Jamie would have been eligible; however, he worked his butt off trying to increase his lung capacity and he was successful in doing so.
The problem with CF, is that even with much hard work, the years and years of infections and mucus build up eventually causes the lungs to stop working. So even with Jamie’s determination, time is not on his side. Unfortunately, the end result for CF is often a double lung transplant, to extend our lives. IT IS NOT A CURE!
So why, you may ask, am I setting up this page? For one, I’ve been through this same process that Jamie and Perry are facing! I had to uproot my family and re-locate to Toronto from NL in 2008 to wait for my second chance at life. Fortunately, after only 2 months wait, I received my “gift”, and just 3 months after that I was able to travel home. However, this is not the case all of the time.
What most people do not understand is the cost that transplant places on families and individuals. Yes, our health care is free in Canada; however, the cost of actually re-locating to Toronto, residing there (as we often are not hospitalized all of the time there), accommodations (we have to be close to the hospital), meals, transportation back and forth to the hospital (for the numerous appointments and rehab required) … all of these costs are our own to bear. And where does that leave our lives that we left back at home in NL?
Picture yourself laying in a hospital bed, struggling to breathe, wondering if your time will come, wondering if you are going to die while waiting for this precious gift, and laying on your mind is finances?? We shouldn’t have to deal with this, but the reality is we have to! And being through this myself … I do not want Jamie and Perry to have this worry!
Here’s where you can help! My goal for Jamie and Perry may seem high; however, when you factor in the amount of time they will be away from home and the financial struggles transplant places of families … I really cannot place a price tag on the joy and excitement of being given a second chance and being able to breathe!
This is my one wish for Jamie!
From myself, Jamie, Perry, and their friends and family … we thank each and everyone for reading and supporting. I can’t wait to post the wonderful updates of Jamie’s new life!
Living with CF is not an easy task. As you may be aware, Jamie has struggled with the ‘unknown’ since 2012 when he contracted NTM, which caused his lung function to drop to 24%. To be considered for a lung transplant, a person’s lung function must be below 30%. So even 4 years ago Jamie would have been eligible; however, he worked his butt off trying to increase his lung capacity and he was successful in doing so.
The problem with CF, is that even with much hard work, the years and years of infections and mucus build up eventually causes the lungs to stop working. So even with Jamie’s determination, time is not on his side. Unfortunately, the end result for CF is often a double lung transplant, to extend our lives. IT IS NOT A CURE!
So why, you may ask, am I setting up this page? For one, I’ve been through this same process that Jamie and Perry are facing! I had to uproot my family and re-locate to Toronto from NL in 2008 to wait for my second chance at life. Fortunately, after only 2 months wait, I received my “gift”, and just 3 months after that I was able to travel home. However, this is not the case all of the time.
What most people do not understand is the cost that transplant places on families and individuals. Yes, our health care is free in Canada; however, the cost of actually re-locating to Toronto, residing there (as we often are not hospitalized all of the time there), accommodations (we have to be close to the hospital), meals, transportation back and forth to the hospital (for the numerous appointments and rehab required) … all of these costs are our own to bear. And where does that leave our lives that we left back at home in NL?
Picture yourself laying in a hospital bed, struggling to breathe, wondering if your time will come, wondering if you are going to die while waiting for this precious gift, and laying on your mind is finances?? We shouldn’t have to deal with this, but the reality is we have to! And being through this myself … I do not want Jamie and Perry to have this worry!
Here’s where you can help! My goal for Jamie and Perry may seem high; however, when you factor in the amount of time they will be away from home and the financial struggles transplant places of families … I really cannot place a price tag on the joy and excitement of being given a second chance and being able to breathe!
This is my one wish for Jamie!
From myself, Jamie, Perry, and their friends and family … we thank each and everyone for reading and supporting. I can’t wait to post the wonderful updates of Jamie’s new life!
Kelly Ann
Carbonear, NL