Flooding Victims in Louisiana
My cousin, Janie MacLauchlan Pearson - a single mom with three children - is one of the vicitims of the Baton Rouge flooding in Louisiana.
She was rescued by boat and finally made it to dry land via 4 boats, 3 army humvees and one refugee shelter.
She has lost her home, car, belongings - everything.
Please consider donating whatever you might be able to spare to help her family rebuild their life in Louisiana once the flood waters go down. We've set the goal at $10,000 in hopes that she can use this money to find a roof over her head, food to eat and incidentals for her and her three children. I'm leaving the campaign open for two weeks to gather as much support while the flood waters continue to wreak havoc in the Baton Rouge area.
Thanks to everyone for thoughts, prayers and any donations.
Meghan Womack
Brooklyn, NY 11211