Jaren the Hydrops Jedi
I am Jaren's great Aunt Anna. As many of you know, Mariah went to a normal prenatal Dr visit. Something didn't look quite right so she was sent to Abbot Children's Hospital. Jaren was born 5 weeks early on June 4th and was diagnosed with hydrops fetalis before he was born. The doctors believed his chances for survival were very slight. Well, by God's grace, he did and is thriving. Josh's insurance is covering a great deal of the hospital expenses minus the deductibles and copays which are considerable. Travel expenses to and from the hospital aren't covered. There are also ongoing expenses for specialized formula (as Jaren isn't quite able to process fats yet) and doctor visits once he is released from the hospital. He was in the NICU for 7 weeks and is currently in the infant care center unit at the hospital. As a young couple, Josh and Mariah are handing this incredibly well. They are willing to take on this debt, but no one knows what the future holds... Let's help give them the support they need at this time.