Jaroslaw Lewandowski Memorial Fund
As you may be aware, on June 30th 2021, we tragically lost Jaroslaw Lewandowski, a member of the Building 1A construction team on Spencer South. Whilst carrying out his duties, Jaroslaw collapsed and could not be resuscitated by the Site or Emergency Teams who tended him.
Jaroslaw was only with us on the project for a short period of time but leaves behind a wife and daughter who will need emotional support but also financial assistance, which we can help with.
PJ Hegarty & Sons and DOC Ltd (Jaroslaw’s direct employers) have established this fund to assist Jaroslaw’s family in the difficult times ahead. PJ Hegarty & Sons will initially contribute €2,100 to start the fund, and will follow on shortly with an additional, larger contribution. We would ask as many of you as possible, both as companies and individuals, to contribute in any way you can; any donation no matter how small is welcome.
Many thanks in advance to those of you who can contribute.