Jason Scott Livestream and Scanning Office Fund
Hello, everyone. My name is Jason Scott. I'm a historian, archivist and filmmaker, and I'd like an office.
To be clear, I already have an office; it's in my apartment, and it has a desk and a network connection and everything. In previous incarnations, my desk has been a terrifying combination of ancient papers, piles of floppy disks, old videotapes, CDs and DVDs, along with whatever else comes into my field of view. I have many different projects I am doing, and more and more I've been livestreaming on twitch and other services to give insight into the process as well as answering questions about it. Sometimes, the livestream runs itself and shows automated processes that I am running, while other times it's a free-for-all of commentary and discussion. I also have a podcast I record as well as recording interviews for oral histories.
The purpose of this Gofundme is to try a six month experiment of how much productivity and accomplishment an improved and focused office setup might provide in terms of education, digitized materials, shared expertise, produced shows/Q&As, and interviews. As I am aging, I want to maintain separation between my home and the wildly variant and occasionally messy items (dust, etc.) that the items bring in with them. Not to sleep where I work, in other words, to avoid health issues and keep a better track on my tasks and efforts.
The price to rent the office I want to work at is $800/mo, which includes security, 24 hour access, meeting rooms (if I want to record interviews or host folks), as well as internet access and shared facilities. I do not expect the world to cover 100% of this cost, but whatever amount helps. I'm also willing to discuss funding where a person or group is funding a month in return for being mentioned or thanked for the efforts being done.
I chose a Gofundme because I do not need the full amount to get started on this project, and it provides an easy way to keep track of what people are contributing towards the goal, for transparency. If you wish to contribute towards a sponsored month, or frankly any question, you can reach me in a DM on twitter (@textfiles).
Please note: If this project does not come to fruition or ends early, there is still plenty of work I do in my career and professional efforts, and which I will be focusing my attention on as well. Also, do not feel compelled to contribute to this fundraising if this is not money you can spare. I'll be just fine and the work will eventually be done.
Thanks for listening.