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Dad murdered leaving behind 2 children

Spende geschützt
Javier Alcantara Jr.- Rest In Peace
A father taken way to soon from his babies. Javi was brutally murdered due to gun violence at the young age of 25. He leaves behind his daughter Laylanni 5 years old and Josiah Javier (JJ) 8 years. He had his ups and downs making his fair of mistakes but one thing that never wavered was his unconditional love and support of his children. His love for his family was strong and fierce. These poor kids didn’t deserve to lose their daddy especially at such young ages. Javi didn’t deserve this. No one does. Just thinking about all the games, recitals, birthdays, holidays and love these kids will not have their daddy there with them makes me sick. The family says funeral expenses are taken care of so We would love to help my sister who was left behind to support 2 children on her own. Anything you can do to help is immensely appreciated.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Brittany Stockton
Racine, WI
Briana Stockton

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