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My Trip To India

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Hi Everyone!

My name is Janaya Wilder. I am a boarding high school student at Salem Academy in North Carolina. Every year during January, my school conducts a trip to a foreign country. In January of 2016, they are going to India.

Since I was a little girl, I have always loved to travel. I loved the idea of getting out and doing something different; seeing something new. Because this trip offers the oppourtunity to do just this, I could not just let this opportunity slip through my fingers. I am determined to raise enough money to go!

The trip consists of ten days of traveling through the country as we learn about the history of its people and about the nature and habitats in which it hosts. We will get to do amazing things such as shop in taditional markets, volunteer at a local school and interact with its students, ride elephants, go on safaris, and see the Taj Mahal, just to name a few.

Not only is this trip a unique experience, but it should also be an eye opening adventure. Travel abroad is known to enlighten people by giving them a first hand view of a place; it helps to minimize or even completely eliminate previous perseptions. I have never been to India, but I have an idea of what I think it should be like. However, this is not enough. I feel as though experience is what helps to build a person; it's what makes them who they are, and travel is one of the best ways to gain so many positive experiences.

I hope to gain everyone's support!


  • Casey Blakely
    • $25
    • 9 yrs


Janaya Wilder
Winston-Salem, NC

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