J.D. Cash ~ Medical Expenses
I had quadruple heart by-pass surgery and a new heart valve in 2016. I also had to have a Defibrillator attached to my heart to maintain a heartbeat. The Defibrillator is set on 80 Beats Per Minute. This Device is designed to shock you back into rhythm and revive the heart if it stops. There is a constant monitor in my house that my cardiologists use to monitor my heart rhythms. The surgery changed my life for good as far as not walking and breathing as well as I would like to and not being able to work very much limiting what I am physically able to do. I now suffer from Severe Heart Failure.
About 3 months ago , I started receiving phone calls and messages from my Doctors telling me my heart was constantly racing up down which is very dangerous and can cause a stroke or cardiac arrest leading to death. I was referred to a great surgeon, Dr. Winterfield at MUSC Hospital in Charleston. He specializes in performing High-Tech procedures inside the heart called a Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation which if successful will stop the heart from racing up and down. My heart was racing from 80 up into the 200 range and above. This surgery sometimes works but in some cases , it has to be repeated. Dr. Winterfield said he was pretty certain he solved the problem.
In Charleston, I had to have two surgeries. First they performed a left/right heart cath to check the inside of the heart for blockages, fluid & pressure to make sure it was safe to proceed. I had to wait a couple of days for the 2nd surgery due to fluid on the heart. On Aug. 19 last week I was operated on for the main procedure, a Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation. It was a very long procedure but hopefully successful.
When I got home, I discovered I Have Massive Blood Bruises Across Both Groans Where The Four Catheters Went In To Insert Cameras and to work inside my heart performing the Ablation. I will be moving slow for a quite a while and could some assistance while getting back
on my feet. All donations would be appreciated.
To Mail Your Donation Directly To Me, My Mailing Address Is: J.D. Cash, PO Box 4034, N. Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29597.
For those interested, Here's a short video you tube link explaining the entire procedure I had;