JDC's had a Health Crisis while being Uninsured
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Jennifer, but a lot of you know me as Jin- I'm John Donald Carlucci's wife. JDC has suffered five strokes over the past three weeks, ended up in the ER three times, been hospitalized twice, and had one ride in an ambulance. All while being uninsured. I feel like I need to say, being uninsured was not a personal choice. At the most recent inquiry, fall of last year, it would've cost over $900 a month to insure him on the cheapest plan available in our state, which mostly only covered emergencies. That's even MORE than we pay in rent each month, and there was no way we could come up with that type of money.
I'm doing everything I can to help him along, and hopefully recover to his previous self. Everything is up in the air right now, as they still don't have a root cause as to why the strokes keep happening. He's been suffering from long covid; he's diabetic; there are blood pressure issues we're working on regulating; and they've also got a heart monitor on him now to see if there's something wrong there. In the meantime, I've applied for every type of aid his social worker told me would be available to him at this point, but the system is moving terribly slow.
Right now I'm paying for many things out of pocket, well, out of almost empty pockets I guess I should say. I'm the sole breadwinner now too, and have not been able to put in the hours I normally do (I'm a Pastry Chef, and sell mail-order baked goods). His care is dominating my time, and leaving me with not much left over to tackle everything that needs to be done every day. I've had to turn down orders recently that I just couldn't handle, and that's not like me at all. I LOVE what I do, and there's nothing I enjoy more than creating scratch-made delectables for my customers.
All donations will go toward his ongoing care- including the numerous prescriptions he's on, and to try to catch up and stay current with the bills we've gotten behind on (electric, rent, phone, internet, etc.). I set our goal pretty low for starters, because I still have no idea where we're at regarding what will be owed to the hospital. Right now I'm just trying to focus on the now, and hoping desperately that things don't get way out of control before I can catch up.
Thank you,
Jennifer Pasquill
Moscow, ID