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Jeannie's Fund - Help NY Covid Patients Now!

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Our appreciation for nurses runs deep. Our love for our families runs even deeper. 

Jeannie's Fund - in honor of Jeannie Tomaselli - is a fund to help COVID-19 patients connect with their loved ones. 

In most situations - when you have a family member in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU); you visit them, you support them, you hold their hand, and you let them know that you're there for them. With COVID-19 patients, that can't happen. 

Most COVID-19 patients are stuck in social isolation for 22+ hours a day, only interacting with the overburdened heroes of this crisis: our nurses - like Liz O’Rourke - doctors, and health care providers.

COVID-19 patients are in desperate need of social interaction, but the only responsible way to make that possible is through voice and video calls. iPads are being used in the ICU to allow patients to connect with their family members through FaceTime. In some cases, this may be the last time they get to do so. These calls are only possible if the patients have iPads or similar video call enabling devices. Many patients do not.

So that's where Jeannie's Fund comes in. 

Our goal at Jeannie’s Fund is to bring iPads to sick isolated COVID-19 patients so they can connect, see, and speak with their loved ones.

This is where you come in - we are asking for your donations to purchase and distribute iPads - we plan to buy functional second-hand iPads to be fund efficient - that will be donated to hospitals across New York. Our Go Fund Me goal is to buy and distribute 700+ iPads - hopefully with your help more - to patients in hospitals all across New York. We will be both collecting old devices and purchasing new devices.

Once this health crisis subsides, we plan to donate these iPads to disadvantaged hospitals all across New York State.

Who's Jeannie?
Jeannie Tomaselli was a beloved nurse in the Long Island New York area. Throughout her nursing career, she practiced in hospitals and schools, but spent most of her professional years as a home care nurse, giving her the unique opportunity to regularly visit with her patients’ families. Connecting with patients and their loved ones, and giving them the tools to strengthen their own connection in times of need was the part of nursing she valued the most.

Jeannie passed away in the Spring of 2016. In the last months of her life, she used FaceTime on her iPad to stay connected with loved ones while immunocompromised. If Jeannie were alive today, we have no doubt that she’d be first to help patients stay connected with their loved ones.

What else about Jeannie?
Genie's - in our case Jeannie's - grant wishes. Most times, the only wish that isolated COVID-19 patients have is to see their loved ones.

Join us in being Jeannie's and help grant isolated patients their wish: to see and speak to their loved ones.

No donation is too small. Thank you so much for helping us be Jeannie's and bringing dignity and connection to COVID-19 patients.

Thank you so very much for your kind attention. 

With love,
Laura Tomaselli, Jeannie Tomaselli's beloved daughter 
Liz O'Rourke, Registered New York Nurse (RN) at Northwell Health, New York's largest healthcare provider
Zina Ajlouny, Head Organizer of Jeannie's Fund

Connection: Laura, Liz, and Zina met in the seventh grade and all graduated from Kellenberg Memorial High School in Uniondale, New York in 2004.  
Note: The picture on this page is of Jeannie, Laura and the Tomaselli family. 

To learn more, please visit our website at Jeannie's Fund 
If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering, feel free to email us [adresse e-mail supprimée]

Je soutiens


  • Jason Gonzalez
    • 50 $
    • 4 ans
  • Michael ORorke
    • 100 $
    • 4 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 50 $
    • 5 ans
  • Anne McDonough
    • 60 $
    • 5 ans
  • Lorin Fagan
    • 50 $
    • 5 ans
Je soutiens


Zina Ajlouny
Roslyn, NY

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