Saving Jose Manuel
Donation protected
My name is Jeannie DeAngelis, I'm from NY.
Jacqueline Ogilvie is my friend, she is a retired government surgeon in Venezuela.
These funds are to help Jose Manuel Villamizar Zambrano an infant whose desperate parents reached out to Jacqueline for help. Jose is in need of a heart catherization and surgery. The monies being donated here are to cover the cost of his medical care.
I intend to send the money to Jacqueline and she will pay for the baby's medical expenses and provide us with a receipt to show that the baby has received the care he needs.
I have corresponded with Jacqueline Ogilvie for eight years and she has never asked for anything EVER.
These people have no meat, milk, water, oil, medicine, and are even without toilet paper. The shelves in the supermarkets are empty.
I've offered to send my friend care packages, but all she's ever asked for was prayer.
I contacted her recently to ask how she was doing because she was on my heart.
She was concerned about was a little baby boy named Jose Manuel Villamizar Zambrano. At 5-months-old Jose is in need of a heart operation. Recently, he was turned away at the government clinic because the equipment was broken and his case too complicated.
If he does not get care at a private clinic -- Jose will die. The problem is the baby's parents do not have the money, they are very poor, which is why they, in desperation, they reached out to Dr. Ogilvie for help.
Jacqueline said that in Venezuela, if you are sick and cannot go to a private clinic: "You die!"
As for me, I felt we should try to raise some money to help this baby boy. If as conservative believers we team up to do this maybe we can bypass the wicked Venezuelan government who turns away babies who then die. If Jose can go to a private clinic he will live!
If I had the $$ I would send it. However, I do not.
So, that is where this GoFundMe Page for Baby Jose comes in. We're going to see if we can raise the $$ to save his life.
I've never done anything like this before, but I talk about saving baby's lives every day and feel maybe God is giving me, and all of us, an opportunity to really save - just one!
It could be that God had me find and correspond with Jacqueline Ogilvie for a day such as this. I don't know, I don't care - I just know there is one child that needs help and God willing maybe as a team we can save a life..
I know there are millions of kids that die every day, I don't know their names, but this one baby I do know by name.
I pray we can help this child and show the government of Venezuela that God is bigger than they are and that miles, dictators, lack of medicine, and lack of funds, do not stand in the way of God bringing healing to a small child.
Thank you.
This is the mother's letter to Dr. Jacqueline...
Ms. Jacqueline
Thank you for your concern, I am sending you attached documents so far have the baby.
1. The baby was born on November 10, 2015, Annex birth certificate. CURRENTLY it HAS 5 MONTHS AND 20 DAYS
2. Annex the evaluation that was performed in Tachira, Dr., Marianella Rivas - Children cardiologist on 28.12.2015, which gave the diagnosis where the conclusion is: Single Ventricle with large glasses side by side and moderate pulmonary stenosis . (You should place a BIDIRECCIONAL GLEN between 4 and 6 months of age).
3. From the hospital Central Tachira sent in February 2016, a folder with all documents to the Children Cardiologico baby in Montalban - Caracas. We were there on Tuesday, 26 April this year and was informed that the hospital was not operating as it had damaged the equipment to catheterization and operation entity.
4. On 29 April this went through a friend to the Military Hospital with Dr. Neiangela Bustillos -. Cardiloga Child, which assessed and agreed with the same diagnosis given by Dr. Tachira, and informed us that the heart disease presenting the baby is complex, and that the operation was not being done right now in the Hospital.
5. On the same day moved to the Hospital San Juan de Dios, in which we were informed that no such operations were practiced, but there was a pediatric cardiologist named Maria Capecchi, who was also there and consultation at the Clinic Santa Sofia we facilitated their cell phone number and the doctor asked us to take the baby to the clinic to evaluate it.
6. The dotora Capecchi, evaluated the baby that day in the afternoon and practice an eco-cardiogram dictating the same diagnosis. We reported that the baby requires urgent do a CATATERISMO DIAGNOSTICO to display trunk and branches of pulmonary artery VCS. this eco-cardiogram, in order to perform the operation he requires is attached.
7. We attach the budget that issued the clinic for diagnostic catheterization, which would be the first step before surgery. The clinic declined to issue the budget of the operation as such because they say that every 15 days there is an increase in the operation, but that the current price is about the amount of three million bolivars in 1600 about (Bs. 3,600,000, 00).
Currently my cousin does not have the financial means to make or the Catheterization and much less operation, is only waiting for God to the Children's Cardiology can begin again to address this type of operation.
Fabiola Pastrán
This is the hospital where he will for catherization and subsequent heart surgery.
Jacqueline Ogilvie is my friend, she is a retired government surgeon in Venezuela.
These funds are to help Jose Manuel Villamizar Zambrano an infant whose desperate parents reached out to Jacqueline for help. Jose is in need of a heart catherization and surgery. The monies being donated here are to cover the cost of his medical care.
I intend to send the money to Jacqueline and she will pay for the baby's medical expenses and provide us with a receipt to show that the baby has received the care he needs.
I have corresponded with Jacqueline Ogilvie for eight years and she has never asked for anything EVER.
These people have no meat, milk, water, oil, medicine, and are even without toilet paper. The shelves in the supermarkets are empty.
I've offered to send my friend care packages, but all she's ever asked for was prayer.
I contacted her recently to ask how she was doing because she was on my heart.
She was concerned about was a little baby boy named Jose Manuel Villamizar Zambrano. At 5-months-old Jose is in need of a heart operation. Recently, he was turned away at the government clinic because the equipment was broken and his case too complicated.
If he does not get care at a private clinic -- Jose will die. The problem is the baby's parents do not have the money, they are very poor, which is why they, in desperation, they reached out to Dr. Ogilvie for help.
Jacqueline said that in Venezuela, if you are sick and cannot go to a private clinic: "You die!"
As for me, I felt we should try to raise some money to help this baby boy. If as conservative believers we team up to do this maybe we can bypass the wicked Venezuelan government who turns away babies who then die. If Jose can go to a private clinic he will live!
If I had the $$ I would send it. However, I do not.
So, that is where this GoFundMe Page for Baby Jose comes in. We're going to see if we can raise the $$ to save his life.
I've never done anything like this before, but I talk about saving baby's lives every day and feel maybe God is giving me, and all of us, an opportunity to really save - just one!
It could be that God had me find and correspond with Jacqueline Ogilvie for a day such as this. I don't know, I don't care - I just know there is one child that needs help and God willing maybe as a team we can save a life..
I know there are millions of kids that die every day, I don't know their names, but this one baby I do know by name.
I pray we can help this child and show the government of Venezuela that God is bigger than they are and that miles, dictators, lack of medicine, and lack of funds, do not stand in the way of God bringing healing to a small child.
Thank you.
This is the mother's letter to Dr. Jacqueline...
Ms. Jacqueline
Thank you for your concern, I am sending you attached documents so far have the baby.
1. The baby was born on November 10, 2015, Annex birth certificate. CURRENTLY it HAS 5 MONTHS AND 20 DAYS
2. Annex the evaluation that was performed in Tachira, Dr., Marianella Rivas - Children cardiologist on 28.12.2015, which gave the diagnosis where the conclusion is: Single Ventricle with large glasses side by side and moderate pulmonary stenosis . (You should place a BIDIRECCIONAL GLEN between 4 and 6 months of age).
3. From the hospital Central Tachira sent in February 2016, a folder with all documents to the Children Cardiologico baby in Montalban - Caracas. We were there on Tuesday, 26 April this year and was informed that the hospital was not operating as it had damaged the equipment to catheterization and operation entity.
4. On 29 April this went through a friend to the Military Hospital with Dr. Neiangela Bustillos -. Cardiloga Child, which assessed and agreed with the same diagnosis given by Dr. Tachira, and informed us that the heart disease presenting the baby is complex, and that the operation was not being done right now in the Hospital.
5. On the same day moved to the Hospital San Juan de Dios, in which we were informed that no such operations were practiced, but there was a pediatric cardiologist named Maria Capecchi, who was also there and consultation at the Clinic Santa Sofia we facilitated their cell phone number and the doctor asked us to take the baby to the clinic to evaluate it.
6. The dotora Capecchi, evaluated the baby that day in the afternoon and practice an eco-cardiogram dictating the same diagnosis. We reported that the baby requires urgent do a CATATERISMO DIAGNOSTICO to display trunk and branches of pulmonary artery VCS. this eco-cardiogram, in order to perform the operation he requires is attached.
7. We attach the budget that issued the clinic for diagnostic catheterization, which would be the first step before surgery. The clinic declined to issue the budget of the operation as such because they say that every 15 days there is an increase in the operation, but that the current price is about the amount of three million bolivars in 1600 about (Bs. 3,600,000, 00).
Currently my cousin does not have the financial means to make or the Catheterization and much less operation, is only waiting for God to the Children's Cardiology can begin again to address this type of operation.
Fabiola Pastrán
This is the hospital where he will for catherization and subsequent heart surgery.
Jeannie Ology
Levittown, NY