Jeff Chotrow and dog Shorty Emergency Needs!
Donation protected
Hello to all you good people out there in our reality. I am Jim OConnell and unfortunately I am rolling with this much needed life saving support for Shorty. That’s his precious Chihuahua. Shorty has a bad infection origin unknown in his mouth. He won’t eat or drink so timing is very important the sooner the better to take him to the Veterinarian to
be have the Surgery.he’s been around with this infection for a short time and he needs more antibiotics and TLC. The estimate for the surgery is just over $300.00. I will donate the First Fifty. If you care for our brothers the canine family you know how loyal and loving our man’s best friend can be. He needs help ASAP. Thank you in advance for your thoughtful gift for
Today, His Dog is the number one priority and he comes first if anyone would open there hearts and pocketbooks. Jeff, when I mentions that I was thinking about doing this fundraiser politely said that he wasn’t asking me to do anything. I said but your Dog is going to die if he don’t eat!
Jeff’s situation is tough because it all started when during Covid the company he was working for did not adequately provide Personal Protective Equipment for the Roofing contracts that Jeff was assigned to work. Safety was high priority on the roofs. This resulted in his resignation. Then there was an accident where a piece of metal somehow found its way into his left eye under the saftey glasses. He had to have surgery th remove the metal and afterwards was blind in that eye. The Cornia was remove and has yet to be replaced. He has another appointment for that. Doc said no guarantees that he will ever see out of that eye again. His Hearing is horrible and is all deaf in one ear and 70% deaf in the other. Surgery is coming up for the 70% deaf ear. This all happened during Covid and so he filed for disability 3 years ago. Well in the mean time he has not been able to work because those are the rules when you file for Disability. Because he had no income he lost his house and has been Robbed and his only working vehicle was stolen so now he can’t work, doesn’t have a car if he could work and is more or less homeless. His good friend Terry has given him a safe place as of now to sleep for now. He recently has his hearing for Disability but still has not been approved or denied for that matter. His situation is heartbreaking and I hope that we can make a difference in this man’s life. He also was honorably discharged from the Army in 1986 where he served for four years in Germany and in Colorado. Jeff has always been a highly motivated person that not being able to work has taken its toll on him! He did not ask me to do this go fund me account but I see the unfortunate situation he is in. I am going to ask Jeff to post a video update about his situation.
I am asking all veterans that know what it’s like to be disabled. However Jeff has several issues as I have mentioned. Let’s help this good man make it till he gets his settlement providing he is approved. I am also asking my family and friends to step up and whatever you can spare please let’s impacted Jeffs’ Life for the better! I thank you. Jeff will be very grateful for any help and assistance he gets from us. Let’s pull together and share this story and the more people that see it the better chance him and his dog have. Life can beat us up sometimes and every once in awhile people do need a hand up. Jeff we got you Bro! Jeff needs money for his Dogs surgery, for basic living needs, hid one remaining car does not run and needs repair, food, rent, gas money for rides he needs. Since Jeff has filed for the disability he has burned up all his savings and now lives with a friend that has been very good to him but his wife has cancer for the third time and fighting cancer again so the stress on his friend is overwhelming. Please share this story of call me if you need to talk about this. I feel for Jeff Chotrow and I’m just thankful that all of us are in a position that if we can we will help.
let’s rock and roll this story
Jim OConnell
James OConnell
De Soto, MO