Jeff Runs for Cork's Place HeART of Healing!
Want to join me in making a difference?
I'm raising money for Chaplaincy Health Care's Corks Place.
Cork’s Place provides a free, safe, and supportive environment where children, teens, and families who are grieving a death can share their experience as they move through healing processes.
This year, I'm combining this passion with another of mine -- running! The Eugene, OR Marathon is the same weekend as Cork's primary fundraiser -- the HeART of Healing. I'll be running a half-marathon -- 13.1 miles. I've set my goal to raise $100 per mile for Cork's and with your help, I think we can achieve it!
This service is free to families because of generous donors like your self. Any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this organization that means so much to Casey and I.
To find out more about the Cork's, visit their webpage.