Jeff Staudt's War On Brain Cancer
Donation protected
When you're 44 years old the last thing you ever expect to be told, or want to hear, is that you have a malignant brain tumor. Life was moving along for us - certainly we had some bumps along the road, but never did we expect to receive the news we did. 
On December 3, 2015, I experienced what was thought to be a seizure or stroke. I was rushed to the hospital, put through many tests, and by the end of the day was being transferred to Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix with what was determined to be an aggressive brain tumor called Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). In an instant, my thoughts went from the joy the holidays bring to “what do I need to do to fight this and WIN so I can see my four beautiful children grow up?”
I was told to prepare for the worst and given 10 months as a projected time to live. How did this happen? It really doesn't matter. What matters is my wife Aimee and I fully reject it, and we’re committed to fighting.
On December 14, 2015, I had a successful extended surgery where the doctor was very aggressive in removing the tumor. Now, we prepare for phase two which is to heal and get ready for chemotherapy and radiation. My diet and mindset have completely changed and we are going straight ahead at this. I came home from the hospital on my oldest daughters 12th birthday- what a blessing that was to be home to celebrate with her.
Just two weeks before my diagnosis, my company had to go through lay-offs, and unfortunately I was on the receiving end of that cut. With word of the lay offs, I had been proactive in a job search and fortunately had a final interview set up in New York for a very good position with a great company. As it turned out the Friday before my surgery I had to contact the person I was supposed to interview with and take my name out of the running. Going through any unplanned disruption in a career is a severe blow to a family of six, but coupled with the news on the 3rd of December, we knew that we needed to reach out to those who love and support us, and ask for some help. This was not easy for Aimee and me. But through many discussions we know that there are good people out there looking to help, people who have asked what they can do to help, so here we are. We are asking you to consider helping us financially; so we can get through some tough roads ahead.
There is a large financial component in our immediate future and your financial support would go to our medical and family costs. We have also decided that the best thing for our family is to pack up our house in Arizona and move to Washington where we have the support of family to help during these difficult times ahead. Adding a move to our lives right now is a huge undertaking both financially and mentally, but we know it’s the right thing to do. I have been told after insurance, the costs are substantial. I have already had over $100,000 worth of treatment expenses, and have been told to expect over $1 million in costs. We have been in touch with some doctors and people throughout the country who are helping us gain valuable information on how we can go at this aggressively. This includes traveling to different hospitals to see specialists for clinical trials that are out of state and very expensive. I also need to keep my current health insurance which is an important factor for me maintaining a great level of care, but the premiums are extremely high. Any contribution you can provide will help more than you know!
From the moment we got the news, Aimee and I believed there was a bigger reason that this was happening to our family. We do not question why, but say HOW are we going to use this to help others? I have had great satisfaction helping many people financially in my career, and to be a long-term cancer survivor I envision helping so many more! Our hope is that one day we will be sitting across from a family who has received devastating news as we did, and tell them that there is hope. We believe this with all of our hearts, and our faith has never been stronger.
I am used to being on the giving side, but we find out life unfolds in ways we can never imagine. I am now in this role – one of needing and asking for help. I accept the fight and your help will allow me to cover heavy costs to do this. For those who are able to donate we will never be able to put into words how much we thank you. For those who aren’t able to donate, but hold us up in prayer we can’t thank you enough for that too. We are putting together a team to beat this, and we want every single person who reads our story to be on our team. It's a team that is dedicated to beating this, who believes in the win, and the glory that will come. We will pay this forward one day... it's our mission and we will not quit.
We remain faithful. We are blessed for each new day. We are strong. We are going to win… day by day we win each day!
Thank you so much for your support and your prayers.
The Staudt Family-
Jeff, Aimee, Chloe(12), Madeleine(10), Frances(6), and Jack(4)
WTD- “Win The Day”

On December 3, 2015, I experienced what was thought to be a seizure or stroke. I was rushed to the hospital, put through many tests, and by the end of the day was being transferred to Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix with what was determined to be an aggressive brain tumor called Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). In an instant, my thoughts went from the joy the holidays bring to “what do I need to do to fight this and WIN so I can see my four beautiful children grow up?”
I was told to prepare for the worst and given 10 months as a projected time to live. How did this happen? It really doesn't matter. What matters is my wife Aimee and I fully reject it, and we’re committed to fighting.
On December 14, 2015, I had a successful extended surgery where the doctor was very aggressive in removing the tumor. Now, we prepare for phase two which is to heal and get ready for chemotherapy and radiation. My diet and mindset have completely changed and we are going straight ahead at this. I came home from the hospital on my oldest daughters 12th birthday- what a blessing that was to be home to celebrate with her.
Just two weeks before my diagnosis, my company had to go through lay-offs, and unfortunately I was on the receiving end of that cut. With word of the lay offs, I had been proactive in a job search and fortunately had a final interview set up in New York for a very good position with a great company. As it turned out the Friday before my surgery I had to contact the person I was supposed to interview with and take my name out of the running. Going through any unplanned disruption in a career is a severe blow to a family of six, but coupled with the news on the 3rd of December, we knew that we needed to reach out to those who love and support us, and ask for some help. This was not easy for Aimee and me. But through many discussions we know that there are good people out there looking to help, people who have asked what they can do to help, so here we are. We are asking you to consider helping us financially; so we can get through some tough roads ahead.
There is a large financial component in our immediate future and your financial support would go to our medical and family costs. We have also decided that the best thing for our family is to pack up our house in Arizona and move to Washington where we have the support of family to help during these difficult times ahead. Adding a move to our lives right now is a huge undertaking both financially and mentally, but we know it’s the right thing to do. I have been told after insurance, the costs are substantial. I have already had over $100,000 worth of treatment expenses, and have been told to expect over $1 million in costs. We have been in touch with some doctors and people throughout the country who are helping us gain valuable information on how we can go at this aggressively. This includes traveling to different hospitals to see specialists for clinical trials that are out of state and very expensive. I also need to keep my current health insurance which is an important factor for me maintaining a great level of care, but the premiums are extremely high. Any contribution you can provide will help more than you know!
From the moment we got the news, Aimee and I believed there was a bigger reason that this was happening to our family. We do not question why, but say HOW are we going to use this to help others? I have had great satisfaction helping many people financially in my career, and to be a long-term cancer survivor I envision helping so many more! Our hope is that one day we will be sitting across from a family who has received devastating news as we did, and tell them that there is hope. We believe this with all of our hearts, and our faith has never been stronger.
I am used to being on the giving side, but we find out life unfolds in ways we can never imagine. I am now in this role – one of needing and asking for help. I accept the fight and your help will allow me to cover heavy costs to do this. For those who are able to donate we will never be able to put into words how much we thank you. For those who aren’t able to donate, but hold us up in prayer we can’t thank you enough for that too. We are putting together a team to beat this, and we want every single person who reads our story to be on our team. It's a team that is dedicated to beating this, who believes in the win, and the glory that will come. We will pay this forward one day... it's our mission and we will not quit.
We remain faithful. We are blessed for each new day. We are strong. We are going to win… day by day we win each day!
Thank you so much for your support and your prayers.
The Staudt Family-
Jeff, Aimee, Chloe(12), Madeleine(10), Frances(6), and Jack(4)
WTD- “Win The Day”
Jeff Staudt
Olympia, WA