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Jeff Chappell's Medical Fund

Spende geschützt
On September 12, our world was turned upside down.  In an apparent assault, my husband Jeff suffered a severe traumatic brain injury, nerve damage, lacerations on his feet and facial fractures.  He was rushed by ambulance to UMC Trauma where he was immediately intubated and remained in a coma approximately 4 weeks and developed pneumonia.  He's had several medical procedures/surgeries since October. 

Since September 12, we have been to 8 hospital/care facilities and the medical bills have mounted.  He is still in patient, requires around the clock supervision, therapies and has another surgery in January.  Brain trauma injuries take 12 to 24 months to heal and the level of healing that will occur is unknown.

Although we have medical insurance, we have roughly $10,000 in deductibles and co-pays owed to the various medical professionals who have been caring for him.  He is also in need of oral surgery and dental work required due to the injury, which may not be covered by medical insurance.  In January 2017, our deducible starts over and the medical bills will continue.

Any amount you can donate would be greatly appreciated.


  • Anonym
    • 50 $
    • 8 Jahre
    • 25 $
    • 8 Jahre
  • Janice Zimmerman
    • 150 $
    • 8 Jahre
  • Grover Gray
    • 50 $
    • 8 Jahre
  • Nonie Perlas
    • 100 $
    • 8 Jahre


Cynthia Chappell
Henderson, NV

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