Recovering From Jaw Reconstruction Surgery
Jennifer Sutton opened Chronic Hope Counseling in 2019 to help people experiencing chronic pain and illness. She felt a desperate need to help this community, because she struggles with chronic pain as well. Two years after opening Chronic Hope Counseling Jennifer opened her non-profit, Chronic Hope Cares, to help this community even further. Jennifer has an engrained passion to help people this group of people who overlooked, mistreated and misunderstood.
Jennifer has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) which is a rare genetic disorder that effects the connective tissue. In a nutshell her connective tissue does not hold her body together well which leaves her muscles to spasm to try to keep the joints in place. EDS causes widespread pain, spontaneous dislocations/subluxes, problems with the vascular system and the automatic functions in the body.
When Jennifer was 13 she had her first dislocations when a dentist dislocated the right side of her jaw and a doctor trying to fix it dislocated the other side leading to surgery on the jaw. Since that surgery the jaw has continued to deteriorate and in a recent MRI it was found that the damage was so severe that surgery was needed to remove bone spurs and reconstruct the joint. This surgery is going to require Jennifer to take at least 2 weeks of work. Chronic Hope Counseling is a group practice that recently expanded to a beautiful office in Raleigh. Jennifer is the main income source of the business and the time off is going to put her behind on her business expenses and the missed wages are going to make her struggle with her personal expenses.
Please consider donating, all of your donations will go to business expenses and missed wages. We also have a fundraiser on RedBubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/Chronic-Hope/shop?asc=u&ref=account-nav-dropdown