Jeremy’s medical journey
As some of you know -and for those that don’t- My brother-in-law Jeremy Wilks has been hospitalized since December 19th at Cleveland Clinic Hospital, after spending the prior week at Alliance Community Hospital. He originally went to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing, then he was life-flighted to Cleveland Clinic after only getting worse while there. After waiting on the transplant list Jeremy received a double lung transplant on April 3rd. He started to do better and they started weaning him off the vent. On June 5th Jeremy was able to move to the step down unit for a couple days, until he got pneumonia and an infection that landed him back in ICU. On July 11th Jeremys kidneys started to fail and they had to put him back into a medically induced coma and is now on continuous dialysis.
Since this all started Danielle has been raising their 4 kids (with help of family and friends), working, and traveling back and forth between Minerva and Cleveland to be with Jeremy when she can. Due to his status and the pandemic the kids have only been able to visit once, as their second visit got cancelled due to his recent setback. While in the hospital Jeremy sadly missed Savannah's, his oldest daughter, high school graduation and senior night ceremony; tho he was able to watch both online from his hospital room. He has also missed birthdays, weddings, holidays, and other family events. This fall Savannah starts her freshman year at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. David starts his freshman year at Minerva high school, Emily will enter 8th grade, and Caleb enters 4th.