Jeremy Willis Comeback from Cancer
Donation protected
Back in September of 2018, I noticed a swollen lymph node on the left side of my neck. On the day before Halloween I received a call that it was a high risk form of Large B Cell Diffuse Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma , and there were 4 lymph nodes that had the cancer. The largest tumor was 13cm. Everything happened fast after the news was delivered. I truly had no idea what was going on the first couple weeks other than I was going to beat whatever this was.
Doctors removed two lymph nodes to send to MD Anderson in Houston to dive into and see what I was up against. The results were that my cancer cells had the double expressor genes. This means basically a high rate of recurrence, and in the case of recurrence, my options for treatment get much riskier.
So I had the trifecta, an aggressive case of Lymphoma, one of my tumors being in the "bulky" category, and the double expressor genes. I always try to go big in everything I do, I guess cancer too.
I was insanely fortunate and forever grateful to draw Dr. M. Jameel Kyasa as my oncologist. After many tests to make sure I was prepared for it, Dr. Kyasa put together an aggressive plan to get after this cancer, wipe it out the first time, and give me the best outlook for the future.
My Chemotherapy was to be 6 rounds, all inpatient, and included 24 hour infusions. 5-6 days in the hospital stays each time, hooked up to chemo the entire time, with a short break of 15 minutes to shower everyday. Each session was approximately 100 straight hours of Chemo.
In between I would have to have spinal taps to make sure the cancer didn't spread to my central nervous system, and they would put a very strong chemo drug into my spine to hopefully prevent it from spreading. I ended up having an awful reaction to that treatment, that landed me in the hospital a couple additional times.
I was lucky in the beginning, I fought hard and stayed positive. Managed to keep working full time and being with my daughters. Had to get some teeth yanked out due to an infection, but I made it through the holidays handling this treatment fairly well. Shortly after the first of the year, leading into February these chemo treatments began to take a toll on my body and mind, and the one in my spine gave me such blinding headaches we had to stop. I stayed positive, I made it through all 6 chemo treatments, the last couple totally wiped me out and left my blood counts/immune system dangerously low.
2 weeks after the last treatment my PET Scan results came back clean, no signs of the cancer! While I am happy as can be about that, I am still in treatment. Because of the "bulky" tumor, I have to have radiation for 3+ weeks, every day, and because of the double expressor gene I have to go have stem cells removed from my body to preserve in the case this Lymphoma does return. I will not be able to undergo Chemo again if the cancer does come back, I would have to undergo a transplant or a fairly new thing called Car-T Therapy
I am still very limited to what I can do on a daily basis, and for every good day there is 3 bad ones waiting. Currently attempting to rest and recover the best I can while going through the next steps. Still fighting some lingering side effects that I will be happy to see end. Hoping to return to work soon enough, if you know me, I am not very good at sitting still. Keeping up with my two beautiful daughters is what keeps me focused everyday, but that is about what I have to offer right now energy wise.
All in total, one surgery, countless tests and scans, multiple procedures, 40 hospital stays with all you can eat chemo treatments (600+ Hours), 17 days of radiation and lots more preventive work ahead.
This is what my current mornings look like....
Any support is appreciated for me and my family to get through this journey, climb out of the financial hole this is putting us in, and on to life again in the new normal someday. This control freak does not like to ask for help, but I have no choice and thankful for all considerations.
Locally, If you are in or around Kansas City, please come out May 18th, celebrating still being here and raising money by throwing a party at the Riot Room. For details click HERE .
Jeremy Willis
Overland Park, KS